
Saturday, July 25, 2009


I'm a little late with this but it's still Friday in some places in the world, isn't it? Friday is the day for mountaingirl's Photo Challenge and this week's theme is "home".

If you are in the vicinity of the Church of Santa Maria di Betlemme in Modica's historic centre and happen to look up, you might see these caves [above the houses]. These were people's homes within living memory, inhabited until at least the 1950s. Most of the inhabitants just slammed a door on them and made the best of things. You can read more about this here. I haven't personally seen any caves that are still inhabited, as suggested in the article, but I have seen some that are used for storage. I hope the inhabitants of yesteryear were at least reasonably comfortable!


  1. Amazing, aren't they? There are 'maisons troglodytes' in the Loire Valley. An Englishwoman from Bath sold up and bought one. I've seen photos - and it's fine, apparently (good for storing wine - but I jest). She's a teacher also. Impressively intrepid and resourceful, some of these clever women teachers ...

  2. Bonsoir, Phidelm. We have to be!

  3. Could be useful in the unlikely event of a flood!

  4. Thanks, Lucia. I'll bear that in mind, WW!
