
Friday, July 17, 2009


Tomato jam may sound odd, but I assure you that it's a good accompaniment to cold meats and cheese and you can even dollop it on bruschette. There's a recipe for green tomato jam in the booklet that came with my miracle machine but as we don't get many green tomatoes here, I 've adapted the recipe for red tomatoes and added some spices:

1 kg plum tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 kg vanilla sugar [just leave a vanilla pod in the pack of sugar overnight]
juice of 1 lemon
1 teasp ground ginger
1 teasp ground cloves
commercial pectin, liquid or powder

Put the lemon juice in a measuring jug and make up to 200 ml with water. Pour it into the bowl of a jam-making machine or into a preserving pan and chuck everything else in. If you are using the machine, follow the instructions for your chosen programme and stir in the pectin at the end. If you are making this the traditional way, bring the ingredients to the boil then simmer, stirring, till you have a soft set. Add the pectin according to the instructions on the bottle or packet. Pot in the usual way. Refrigerate once opened.


  1. Sounds interesting. Several years ago my #2 son came home from northern Michigan with something similar that was made and sold by Native Americans. It was excellent.

  2. Hmmmm, sounds like good cooking!

  3. Mmm, Welshcakes - sounds delicious! Used to make a savoury tomato jelly (from Cordon Bleu School recipe) for my mother's summer buffet parties years ago, and this sounds similar. So delighted to have your recipe, as the other one is long-lost, alas. Thank you!

  4. Now I really did wonder when the tomato machine you had and your love of jam making would come together. We're not referring to chutney, are we?

  5. I love the sound of that! Does it also work with green tomatoes by any chance?

  6. It sounds interesting, I have not heard of it before.

  7. you haven't got a good bread recipe, have you..?

  8. This tomato jam looks good! Thank you
    for sharing your recipe!

    Also, the song (above) is very peaceful and beautiful~


  9. Sorry about the late replies, dear commenters. The heat did me in yesterday!
    That's very interesting, Nick. I think comparing the food of different peoples is fascinating. It's as much an indicator of the links between us all as linguistic developments. Thanks, Dr CW. Nice to see you. Hi, Phidelm. I'm glad I've partly replaced a missing recipe! Hi, James. No, not chutney. I didn't use the tomato squashing machine for this as you end up with the juice only! Hi, DD. I should think it would work well with green tomatoes. Thanks, Cherie. Hi, Gleds. Hundreds of them! What sort of bread do you want to make? Glad you like both the recipe and the song, Constance. Best wishes to you. x

  10. My colleague's just returned from holiday in Sicily and she was enthusing about a cheesecake topped with candied sun-dried tomatoes. Have you tried those, WL?

  11. this sounds very very good to me :-)

  12. Hi, WW. No, I haven't but I'll look out for them now. Thanks, Sally.

  13. A job well done although I can't imagine Tomato Jam myself. If you say it is tasty, I'm sure it is.

  14. I can only get used to tomato chutney.

  15. Hi, jmb and Ellee. It's rather like chutney, really.
