
Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Bonne fête de la Bastille à la belle France.

I always enjoyed this day when I was teaching, as I would subject all my classes to the rousing 9-verse version of La Marseillaise that I have - sung fast, as it should be. I seem to remember subjecting James to it when he was here last year, too. [Ca t'a plu, n'est-ce pas, James?]

However, for you, mes chers lecteurs, here is the sexiest Frenchman of them all with one of my favourite songs. [Sigh!] How different my own life might have been if, as in Aznavour's line, I'd had the sense to leave an emotional situation sans faire de bruit - without making a fuss about it. [Sigh again!] But, like the man in the song, I didn't know how. À vous, Charles!


  1. As you can imagine it is a very big day in Canada Welshcakes. Well in some parts.

    School is out here at Bastille Day so my daughter does not get to celebrate with her students.

  2. Merci, Welshcakes! And to you, too: have a great one - consign those sad memories to the dustbin where they belong, kick up your heels and come and join us in Nice for a song!
    Bisous, P

  3. Are you having a fireworks party, WL?

  4. I think we all wonder occasionally how things might have turned out if we'd made different choices. I'm pretty happy really and from what I read on your blog so are you. I often envy your Sicilian life.

  5. Yes, I remembered this earlier on. I forgot about Canada celebrating too...

  6. Hi, jmb. I hadn't thought of that but of course it would be. I must admit that after going all out to organise a big celebration in school when it was the 200th anniversary in 1989 I was glad I wouldn't be around for the next centennial celebration! De rien, Phidelm. I'd have loved to have been in France today! Hope you had a good one and thanks for your kind words. Amitiés. I'm scared of fireworks, WW! Hi, Mary. Yes, we all wonder but we cannot know how it would really have turned out. I am happier now than I have ever been but I do envy people with a family. Thought you might, James! That's a Maurice Chevalier song, you know... "I remember it well". Hi, Ellee. And the "Dom Tom" - the overseas départements & territoires.
