
Friday, June 12, 2009


Thursday was market day again in Modica, this time in Modica Alta. So off Rosa and I went and among my trophies are several t-shirts [which I fought for with the best of 'em] and 2 nighties.

Biscuits, anyone?

Everything but the kitchen sink was being sold and I wouldn't have been surprised to see one of those on offer for 1 euro!

Then it was time for lunch at Rosa's:

Finally, I thought you might like to join us for part of our bus ride back down to Modica Bassa:


  1. Oh, those stuffed peppers have my name written all over them, they look delish! Loved the video,too!

  2. Hi, pink. Rosa will be pleased. Glad you liked the video.

  3. What an elaborate lunch, you lucky thing...very interesting to see that and the bus trip. I would have enjoyed a commentary as well.

  4. That's what I call a lunch. I'm on my way.

  5. How did you get over to Modica Alta?

  6. What a lovely bus journey you have :-)

  7. Hi, Mary. Yes, I was lucky. Rosa's a great cook and so is her daughter. I'll try a commentary next time! I'll tell Rosa to expect you, Mopsa!

  8. To market, to market...loved going on a ride with you (what beautiful sunshine!). Of course the show stealer was that fabulous lunch. Rosa is a dear!

  9. I would love to visit your Modica market, it looks wonderful and colourful and I imagine the smells are fantastic.

  10. I love it Modica Basso. When I was in Sicily, we used to say "we're going to Termini Basso!" I'm working in Toronto Basso I guess another way of saying Toronto Downtown! Oh the foood...I'm so hungry today...looks yummy especially the potatoes! I'm a big french frie/potato freak and Arancini freak, yesterday I waited at Lamana Bakery 10 minutes for my arancini to come out of the deep fryer as a new batch for the week were being prepared! Have a nice weekend!

  11. Rosa's lunch looked great; wish I could have been there. Also loved the beautiful view from the bus.

  12. Hi, James. By bus. That part of town is quite stunning, Cherie. Hi, Rowena. I think I'll post some more bus rides! Rosa will be delighted by your comment. Hi, Ellee. I'm sure one day you will. You should have smelt the chicken they were roasting at one stall, where it was too crowded to get a pic. It was about 34 C yesterday, WW. More bearable today. Hi, Lucia. "Toronto Basso" has a nice ring to it. I'm mad for potatoes, too and am always looking for new ways of cooking them. But I think arancini are simply marvellous and so satisfying. You are lucky you can get them where you are as you can't get anything resembling them in the UK, except in certain parts of London where there are Sicilian communities. Hi, Michelle. What a gossip we could have had! Glad you enjoyed the ride.

  13. One day... if the boys and girls really want to impress me over at they need to create a computer that can make me reach out and grab some of those yummy looking dishes! Otherwise.. it's all just a mean tease! First the biscotti.. than the olives... than the sausages and potatoes and finally the stuffed peppers!

    I'm hungry! lol

    Well done! How is it that everyone in Italy*(s'cuse me Sicily)* isn't 500 pounds?


  14. Hi, M. Those guys should get on with it! I often wonder that about Sicilians, too! x
