
Monday, June 01, 2009


"On Monday we're going to go and do a short interview about the book and you can talk about translation and how the whole project came about through the blog", said Antonio Lonardo when he phoned me on Saturday. On the way to the interview venue this morning, he told me it was for the teley!! If I'd known I'd have put my regalia on.

Here is Antonio being interviewed:

Our interviewer, journalist Concetta Bonino of Video Mediterraneo Ragusa, with cameraman:

And here's yours truly, "miked up" and in full flow:

Oh, well, folk will get a look at my new boho earrings [found in Noto]:


  1. oh wow! That's terrific! You should post the video so we can all watch! You look so comfortable there.. love the earrings! M

  2. Wow WL that is amazing :-) what a surprise ..yes love the earrings too!!

  3. love the earrings. You need to put a video of all this on YouTube with subtitles - then we can all follow it.

  4. That's great and I love the earings!

  5. Hi, M. I tried and failed to record it today. I'm hoping a friend has videod it. Hi, Anne. Yes, quite a surprise! Hello, DD. Trying to get a video of it! Thanks, Cherie. Glad you all like the earrings, girls!

  6. I think you look stunning, what a treat! You probably would have bveen all the more nervous with more notice anyway, well I know I would have been! Hope you can get a video of it, love to see and hear you!

  7. Love the earrings and do post a video on youtube and embed it on your blog!

  8. Thanks, Kyles and Pink. . Yes, I probably would have got nervous if I'd known. Trying to get the video through the TV station.

  9. That must have been so exciting for you Welshcakes. You look great and I love the earrings.

  10. Congratulations, I am so very pleased for you both. You do look wonderful, and well on the road to recovery I hope.

  11. Jmb and Ellee, thank you. You are both very kind. I feel much better, thanks, Ellee.
