
Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Tonight I am happy to introduce Antonio Lonardo's poem, Emozioni, published here with his kind permission, along with my own translation:

Image: Wikimedia Commons


Nell’abside del mio cuore,
iconostasi di numerose emozioni,
sgorgano calde lacrime,
versate in quello speciale
scrigno di tanti segreti.

E’ il trasparente diamante,
perfetto caleidoscopio di colori,
riflessi su uno zaffireo cielo
posto sopra i monti,
che inchiodano i venti.

E’ l’orizzonte seghettato
da alterni turbamenti dell’anima,
vibrati da digitali foglie di violino,
armonia di contrasti
quali luminose stelle cadenti.

Ha martellato, lungamente,
il cuore polveroso, chiuso
in un’aspra conchiglia,
pronta ad aprirsi e godere
della futura luce, anelata da tempo.

Casa di frontiera il mio petto,
disposto al vento della speranza,
portata nel becco di un gabbiano,
sotto le cui argentee penne
si è sviluppato il mio canto.

“Altissimo albero dell’intellettuale miele,
fata morgana della vita,
sei stato l’orizzonte da afferrare
per neutralizzare l’amarezza
delle strade ingombre da ciottoli e vetri.

Sembravi lontanissimo,
inafferrabile asse portante
dell’impervio sentiero del tempo,
trasformato in fiume di progresso
segno della mia quotidianità.

Ti ho raggiunto, preso
dalle tue morbide branchie,
assaporando la veloce salita,
inizio dell’infinito spazio
preparato alla conquista”.


In the apse of my heart,
iconostasis of many emotions,
warm tears flow,
poured into that special
casket of secrets.

It is the lucent diamond,
perfect kaleidoscope of colours,
reflected in a sapphire sky
there, above the mountains
which harness the winds.

It is the jagged horizon
of the soul’s recurring troubles,
a violin stroked by leaves,
the harmony of contrasts
like luminous falling stars.

You hammered out, for a long time,
the dusty heart, enclosed
in a rough shell,
ready to open up and enjoy
the yearned-for, light of the future.

My heart, a frontier house,
exposed to the winds of hope,
carried in the beak of a seagull,
under whose silver plumage
my song evolved.

“Oh, tall tree of intellectual honey,
the Morgan le Fay of life,
you were the horizon to seize,
to neutralise the bitterness
of streets littered with pebbles and glass.

You seemed so distant,
unreachable supporting axis
of the impervious path of time
transformed into a river of progress,
sign of my daily life .

I reached you, lifted
in your soft gills,
savouring the fast climb,
the beginning of infinite space,
ready for the conquest.”

- From Le Stagioni del Cuore [Modica, 2008] and Il Profumo del Pensiero [Edizioni Nuovi Poeti, 2009].


  1. Lovely, thank you :-)

  2. Hi!
    I think you have a nice blog, beatiful photos and smart posts.I'm wating your visit.

  3. Beautiful symbolism in this poem!

  4. Glad you like it, Cherie. Hello, Kinha and welcome. Thank you for your kind comment. You have a beautiful blog, too! Hi, Leslie. Prof Lonardo will be happy.

  5. Iconostasis is not a word one hears very often!

  6. Indeed it is not, WW and I deliberated for a long time before using it.
