
Monday, June 29, 2009


Today is the festa of San Pietro and in Modica it is a sort of holiday. I say "sort of" because most shops will probably be open.

Here is our lovely Chiesa Madre di San Pietro. Its beauty gives joy to many, including me, so I hope it has a happy day.


  1. Aung San Suu Kyi has always been very visible in the Australian press,obviously because this is seen as a regional issue. Having been aware of this very courageous woman for such a long time, sometimes I despair that she will ever be free.I have seen her interviewed and watched her calm serenity and wondered how she keeps going. She always has hope and so should we all.

    By the way, enjoy the festival/holiday.

  2. I love how there is a festa of every Saint! To be in Sicily in the summertime is truly a FESTA in itself!!!!

  3. I hope it has turned out to be a great day Welshcakes

  4. Oh yes - well remembered and hot on those steps.

  5. Hi, Mary. I, too, wonder if she will ever be free. I have read several of her books and still do not know how she keeps going. I'm enjoying the festa, thanks. Hi, Lucia. Me, too. Mind you, it drives me mad when everything closes for 2 weeks in August! Thanks, jams. We've got the fireworks to come! Hi, James. I hope it's a happy memory.

  6. Hi!
    I'm glad you visit my blog. Your's so nice and,too.Please, Would you follow me, because I'm afraid lost your blog.I'm already follow you.

  7. Hi, Kinha. Yes, I am happy to follow your blog. I love your fashion photos.

  8. But it's the feast of St Paul as well, and hasn't the Pope just announced that they've found his tomb in Rome?

  9. It looks such a lovely place :-)

  10. Hi, WW. Yes, but San Pietro is special in Modica. It is, Cherie.

  11. It is a beautiful building indeed. I hope you enjoyed the festa.

  12. Ciao, jmb. I didn't do anything special but I enjoyed the day. Everything was open except the Post Office!

  13. In Nice we have la petite Sainte Reparate (of grisly end leading to everlasting glory) - and lots of Italian baroque in vieux Nice (Italian 'till 1860); but much of it rather muted in comparison with the Real Thing. But, oh, the colours ...!
    Love the posts in support of others, esp Aung San Suu Kyi.
