
Wednesday, May 27, 2009


A girl's best friend [after her dog] is her hairdresser and here I am with my lovely Raffaele, having got myself a new colour - well, several, actually - this morning. Raffaele, newer readers may like to know, has been my hairdresser here ever since I was first introduced to him in 1995 and he also functions as my psychologist, counsellor and huggy person.

After becoming ill in October, though, I did find it convenient to sometimes go to the new hairdresser's right opposite my apartment. Orazio is a good hairdresser and a kind man, too. But the trouble is, whilst Raffaele knows that I now and then go to Orazio's, Orazio doesn't know that during the week I go to Raffaele's and now I'm going to have to explain the new colour away!

My, it's getting complicated, keeping two hairdressers happy! Here, as in the UK, any hairdresser worthy of the name will give you a free comb-out between blow-dries if you are a regular client and once I got muddled and had Orazio combing out Raffaele's "do"! I feel every bit as guilty as an adulterer and as if I'm in a Brian Rix farce! How, dear reader, am I going to walk up and down my own street tomorrow without Orazio noticing the colour? [I can't tell him that I did it or that Rosa did it as any fool could tell it's been done professionally. I'd thought of wearing a sunhat but that would ruin the do.] So it looks as if I'm going to have to come clean but I don't want to do that till I'm in Orazio's salon on Saturday and can explain properly. I shall just tell him I've been Raffaele's client for years and I can't hurt him again by going elsewhere for the colour. Hmmm, but there's still tomorrow and Friday to get through.

As for my clobber in the photo, reader, I think I'm regressing, in my old age, to the days of love and peace. I just hope there's some of each of these between hairdressers after tomorrow!


  1. Now I don't have that problem because my hairdresser is femail and we get to have girly talk ;-)

  2. Absolutely love the new hair color and the t shirt! You look younger.. what's the seccret! Wish I found a hairdresser I could be loyal to but for whatever reason, every time I go to the salon... the hair stylists makes me cry! Nothing worse in life than bad hair! lol *(we wish)* but for a girl who's loved my long hair forever.. I would apprecitate it if they would all stop trying to cut it short and give me bangs! lol

    All the best always and always! ~M

  3. Well that is quite the problem you have there Welshcakes. I'm sure Orazio will understand. After all you lived nearby for a long while before you did go to him so he must have known there was another hairdresser in your past.
    I'm sure it will all work out.

  4. I've occasionally been tempted to run down to my village for a quick trim, but I just KNOW that my regular hairdresser (whom I now consider a friend as we've socialized outside the shop several times) would KNOW! So I totally understand where you're coming from.

    Oops...ended a sentence with a preposition. Mea culpa! :(

  5. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog .. Steve also suggested I visit yours, so I've done so and am finding it very enjoyable :-) I will be returning, I'm sure!

  6. Tsk, tsk Welshcakes a coifure a trois!

  7. Oh what a tangled web we weave ...

    Lovely hair colour and cut!

  8. Brilliant :-) :-)

    I left my female hairdresser for a male :-) we are friends anyway, and he is also like Raffaele, counsellor and huggy person...He has provided massage chairs for us, whilst we have our hairwashed, definetly a talking point :-) :-)

    I love your hair, great tones, and as for the t-shirt, woohoo!!

  9. Hi, Cherie. Girly talk is always good! Hi, M and many thanks. Are you blogging again? If I'm looking younger it's probably down to living in Sicily! Totally agree with you re hair. Don't let them cut yours! Hi, jmb. You are right. He was open for quite a while before I went there. Hi, Leslie. I'm glad you understand. I thought everyone would think I'd gone gaga! As for ending sentences with prepositions, I'm with Churchill! Hi sue and welcome. Love your blog, too and I will add it to the roll. It was very thoughtful of Steve to put us in touch. Thanks, WW. Hi, jams. You do make me laugh! Thanks, Liz.

  10. Hi, Anne. I love those massage chairs and Orazio has them. I think I'll suggest them to Raffaele. Glad you like the hair and t-shirt!

  11. Two men - naughty girl!

  12. Just smacked myself, James.

  13. Anonymous1:39 pm

    You know, one of the first posts I read of yours about two years ago was about Raffaele, so I have a soft spot for him...

    Know exactly how you feel with the 2 hairdresser dielma, I feel that way if I sneak a home colour in between visits... you'll just have to come clean (sigh) Im loving the colour you have at the moment...

  14. Hi, Abbey. I'll tell Raff what you have said - he'll be pleased. I "came clean" today and told Orazio where I got the colour and why. He was fine about it. Glad you like the colour, too!

  15. You do have a stunning new hair style and colour. It's certainly worth keeping in both their good books because you will never know when they need them both.

  16. Thank you kindly, Ellee. You're right about kee[ing them both happy!
