
Thursday, April 02, 2009


Springtime in Sicily means that the borage is out everywhere. I must remember to freeze some of the flowers in ice cubes this year. What's a sure sign of spring where you are?


  1. The Bluebonnets and all the other wildflowers that bloom this time of year. I love riding out into the country and seeing all the flowers along the sides of the road.

  2. Flowering blossom trees although they do start when it is still quite cold. There were some today when I was driving home from the airport but there was also some snow today so not really Spring yet.

  3. Hi, I'm in Pickering Ontario but would rather be in Sicilia (Termini Imerese) to be exact. It's 14 celcius here today, nothing is green yet except the pine trees. I took pictures of a marvelous sunrise this morning!

  4. Look at all that borage for Pimms! Spring starts with the first glass after Easter.

  5. Well look at this! Here I am coaxing my little borage seedlings every day - "Don't give up! The sun will come out soon!!" - and here you have a whole plot of them. I must look into seeing if our usual grocer carries Pimm's.

    Right now the only sure sign of spring is a lone daffodil in the yard.

  6. The daffodils are out here and the trees are beginning to sprout

  7. Crocuses and daffodils are the first to come up around here.

  8. Hi, Betty. That must be a lovely sight. Ciao, jmb. I'm amazed that you still have snow! Hi, Lucia. Sounds wonderful. Hi, WW and cincin! Ah, Pimms.... Ciao, Rowena. Ah, poor little seedlings - I'm sure they'll respond to your TLC. Say hello to the daffodil from this Welshwoman! Hi, Cherie. I miss seeing lots of daffodils. Hi, Lord S. I am just picturing the scene.

  9. Spring in Texas means 37(c) outside and allergies...

    Complementi on your nice blogs.
