
Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hi, folks. Simi here!

There I was, watching TV with my mummy last night - well, really I was watching mummy, as I didn't want to miss it if she got up for walkies or to get some Bonios - when all of a sudden, things got interesting! The news is usually about humans wanting to blow up other humans and of course, we dogs are too intelligent to do that to each other. We just want to live in peace with our humans , be fed, loved and taken for walks!

But as I was saying, last night was different because cuddly Mr Bolton from Sky News started telling us that that cool Mr Obama man over in America-land has at last got a dog. And not before time! It was headline news for the rest of the evening and quite right, too, for what could be more important?!

The dog is called Bo, Mr Bolton said, and it looks like that poodle down the road to me. Bo's got a very big garden to play in, hasn't he? Now they have to train him but they could always send for me! I could tell Bo all about how to dig up lovely - smelling earth [the rose garden would be a nice, smelly place to start, Bo], how to lick faces [for it seems Bo will have lots of important visitors ] and I could even teach him how to ignore words like "Come here", "Stop" and "Naughty" in Italian, for when Mr Berlusconi comes to call.

I have a few words for Bo's chief human, as well: Mr President, Sir, next time you want a summit, tell all the leaders to stay home and get their dogs together instead. They'll agree and sort the world out for you in no time and it would be a lot cheaper, too!

Pace and love,
Simi x woof!


  1. Simi,
    What a clever pet you are. Poppy wholeheartedly agrees with your approach to managing world affairs. Humans are just impossible!

  2. Simi, you are a very intelligent lady. The world leaders would do well to listen to you.

  3. Simi, you've got more brains than any of those "leaders." lol

  4. Simi..I think Bo is single,too!

  5. No doubt about it Miss Simi, those humans just mess everything up don't they? I am sure Bo will be running things very soon and no doubt for the better.

  6. Simi, I loved your wise thoughts, dogs should indeed rule the world. The Obamas have chosen wisely; Portuguese water dogs are wonderful, coats like softest silk (almost as good as yours), friendly and energetic. One thing none of the media has reported is that they have webbed feet, evolved over generations to help make them stronger swimmers. I've seen them swimming in Portugal and the front paws splay out so the feet turn into very efficient paddles.

  7. Wise as ever, simi! George says woof. Woof woof bark woo wooff rufff woof!

  8. Great idea Simi. Okay there may be a bit of botom sniffing but I'm sure the dogs will get things done!

  9. Simi says: "Hello, Auntie Michelle. Poppy must be very bright, too! Auntie Dragonstar, I knew you'd agree with me! You never said truer words, Auntie Leslie! Ooh, Auntie pink .. you got me thinking, now! Thank you, Auntie Betty. Quite right, Auntie jmb. I despair of humans when it comes to running the world! Il est très beau, n'est-ce pas, Auntie WW?! Gosh, that's interesting, Auntie Sally - duckie dogs! Hi, Auntie Liz. Message received and understood, George! Woof, woofie, bark, eruff to you! Absolutely, Uncle jamsd - and that's nothing compared to what humans get up to, is it? Love to all you fans, Simi xx"

  10. I love Miss Simi's wisdom. She should be offered an honored spot as a counselor to heads of state.

  11. Hi, Flutterby. Simi says, "I accept!" "Hi, Uncle Gleds. Woofie -woofs to you, too!"
