
Thursday, April 30, 2009


... and other quirky views of the kind I like to take:

"Always look up in Sicily", Irma said years ago. Yesterday morning in Ragusa I did and was rewarded with a glimpse of this strange and rather pretty niche outside a private house:

I often find myself wanting to take a picture of some tiny little street here but usually the scene is spoiled by the presence of a whacking great car or several. For once I was lucky:

Finally and quirklessly here is part of the facade of Ragusa's beautiful Cattedrale di San Giovanni Battista:


  1. Love those sunny views :-)

  2. It's all sun and blue sky over there!

  3. Nice photos, thanks for sharing! I know what you mean about cars ruining so many photo ops! Ugh!

  4. Oh yes, those roofs in those colours.

  5. When I went to Sicily I was young and although everything took my breath away! I especially loved the niches of Madonnas! I even wanted to have one at home! One time I set one up in my bedroom with candles, that didn't last long my mom didn't want me burning anything in my room;)!

  6. Ragusa looks beautiful and it looked like the weather was perfect. I like taking lots of photos as well and I always look up too as there you sometimes find the best details, like the niche.

  7. Hi, Cherie. It was a perfect day. Hi, WW. It's been a long winter, though. Thanks, Saretta. Big cars always seem to park outside lovely old buildings! Hope it brought back nice memories, James. Hi, Lucia. That's a lovely story. Thanks for sharing it here.
    Hi, Michelle. Yes, you could miss a lot if you don't look up!

  8. What a beautiful place Welshcakes. Is it far from Modica?

  9. Hi, jmb. No, only half an hour away.
