
Friday, April 24, 2009


Not a version of Britain's favourite breakfast sausage although, interestingly, the etymology is connected: records dating back at least 400 years point to an Italian onion stew known as cipollata [the ci is pronounced like a ch and cipolla is the general word for onion]. On high days and holidays, sausages may have been added to the stew [meat was a luxury until quite recently] and "chipolata" is probably a corruption of cipollata.

This afternoon I found these in the supermarket: just onions wrapped in pancetta to resemble sausages [here we can get onions which look like large spring onions] but very effective, and easy to copy at home.

Cooked, I thought they looked rather stunning as part of an antipasti platter. You could use whatever other Italian antipasto food you like or have to hand. [On the left I've got rolled-up slices of Italian lard, which is a refined sort of bacon.]

Buon appetito.


  1. Ooo! Looks pretty, and sounds absolutely delicious!

    I hope you're both keeping well, as I've been neglecting you for a long time :(

  2. I wonder what the Italians think of our English breakfasts. We must surely do that better.

  3. How unusually, they sound and look so tasty!

  4. Thanks, Dragonstar. We're both OK, thanks. Don't worry - we all have difficulty getting around our blogrolls, I'm sure. Hi, Ellee. I'm sorry to tell you they think our breakfasts are revolting! Hi, Cherie. Yes, and so simple!

  5. Not sure about the neat onion, WL

  6. Anonymous5:00 pm

    Hi, I beg to differ about Italians thinking an English breakfast is revloting. My husband, his friends and family are 100% Sicilian and love a good old English fry up.
    The problem with most Italians is, when it comes to foods they don't know, they have blinkers on.....
    The best pork wrapped spring onions I've ever tasted are from a butcher on Mount Etna (Linguaglossa) the meat is second to none.....

  7. Hi, WW. It tasted surprisingly good. Hi, Sandra. I'm glad to hear that! But most people I talk to here can't stand the thought of cooked foods early in the morning. I agree about Italians on the whole being unadventurous about new food. Thanks, Lucia.
