
Sunday, April 12, 2009


We have had, and continue to have, torrential rain, hurricane force winds and fog here for Easter Day but that does not stop the Sicilian festa! Lunch with Gina and her in-laws consisted of:

pasta al forno with salame and ricotta

followed by oven-cooked lamb and potatoes [served with salad].

The desserts began with my favourite gel al limone [recipe here for newer readers],

and continued with fresh fruit salad:

I made the tiramisù alle fragole again, this time decorating it with chocolate flakes as well as strawberries,

then along came this tray of dolci from one of our local pasticcerie:

The green ones on the left were mini-cassate:

Finally, Gina's mother-in-law had made the traditional Easter cassate:

I'm off to make a dessert for tomorrow now!


  1. wow i feel full just looking at all that food... :-)

  2. What wonderful feast, shame about the weather. We had fabulous sunshine today.

  3. Wonderful feast indeed Welshcakes.

    Happy Easter to you.

  4. Anonymous12:47 am

    How come you don't weigh about 30 stone? Greetings for Easter!!

  5. What a delightful meal! After those pics I am again hungry and I just dined on roast beef half an hour ago!

    Hope the winds do no damage.

    And that you and yours have enjoyed the blessings of Easter.

  6. Anonymous11:11 am

    Looks gorgeous, Im going to give the lemon dish a go when they are in season here, ta for sharing...x

  7. I'm putting on weight just looking at the feast!

  8. Does the feasting ever stop in Sicily?!

    We had lamb yesterday too, lovely Welsh lamb.

  9. Anonymous1:36 pm

    pasg hapus cariad bach
    oddi wrth

  10. Hi, Sally. Hopoe you're having a Happy Easter there. Hi, Cherie. We've still got storms! Buona Pasqua, cara jmb. Hi, Mutley. I don't know! Auguri. Hello, Nick. I haven't heard of any damage locally but it's a worry for people who have a lot of trees in their gardens. Happy Easter. My pleasure, Abbey. Happy Easter, O&A. I know the feeling! Hi, Liz. Sometimes! Hi, Valleys Mam. Buona Pasqua e grazie.
