
Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I am currently reading and enjoying Matthew Fort's Sweet Honey, Bitter Lemons. It is the story of the author's journey around Sicily on a Vespa and the recipes he collected on the way.

As soon as I saw the recipe for this strawberry tiramisù I knew I had to try it and what better occasion than Gina's birthday today? I can't give you the copyright recipe here but can tell you that it works, is quick and easy and was a big hit with Gina [who is quite a cook, as some of you will remember]. My only adaptation was to slosh in a drop or several of Mandarinetto liqueur, as is my wont.


  1. That does look very tasty!

  2. My mouth is watering at the mere sight of this, sounds and looks delicious :)

  3. That looks amazing and the book sounds worth a read! thanks for the tip!

  4. Yum yum Welshcakes that looks delicious. Your previous post had me drooling too, much to the point that I'm going to get my pasta maker in action again.


  5. o man! that's a desert and 0.5!

    PS Simi looks more like Baby Itchy each time I see her...

  6. My husband would love this!!

    Can you let me know what the book is like, I have seen it a few times thought I might give it a try! :-)

  7. Looks delicious!!!

  8. Yum! Want! Delicious Welshcakes

  9. It was nice, Cherie, though I say so myself. Thanks, nunyaa. Are you Ok? Hi, Lost. I think you would enjoy the book. Hi, Trubes. Let me know how the pasta turns out! Thanks, Gleds. Simi thinks itchy is cute so doesn't mind! Thanks, WW. Hi, Anne. The book is a good read, plus recipes. Ciao, Saretta. Thanks. Thanks, jams. Are you better?

  10. I am away from my Vermont kitchen writing and cooking from Ortigia. I found your blog and am pleased to know about it. I'm trying to sort out Siciian desserts for a piece I'm writing. This post is helpful.

    I hope you will visit my blog to see another take on food in Sicily

  11. Happy to meet you, Carol and I'm glad the post was helpful. I love Ortigia. I will certainly be visiting your blog. Happy cooking!
