
Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This was the lovely meal I partook of on Sunday, when I received an impromptu invitation from friends Giovanna and Marco. [I always marvel at the calm way in which Giovanna prepares all this food for her husband, herself, four strapping lads, their two grannies plus guests - I'd be tearing my hair out!]

First, cavatelli al forno con salsiccia,

then farsumagru [ rolled, stuffed roast of veal, a typical Sicilian dish] with potatoes

and finally a mousse of forest fruits, for which Giovanna had used a German recipe.


  1. You're truly blessed with such wonderful friends - who can cook such lovely meals and include you in the family. Hugs...

  2. The roast veal looks especially nice :-)

  3. Wow Another Luncheon :-) :-) and with wonderful friends...the main courses always remind of Maltese food, from where my fathers family came from!

    So pleased you had a wonderful time.

  4. Welshcakes you get invited to some magnificent feasts.
    Lucky you.

  5. I keep meaning to ask Welshcakes, what do your friends think when you whip out a camera at their dinner table? Do they worry about it looking less than perfect? Do they tremble with pride or nerves? Do they check up the results on the blog?

  6. With friends like yours there shouldn't ever be any reason to go to a restaurant. What a Sunday meal! I particularly liked the looks of the primo e secondo.

  7. More delicious food. It's always a treat to visit Welshcakes

  8. Hi, Leslie. I am, indeed. Hugs to you, too. Hi, Cherie. I'm going to try that recipe myself soon. Hi, Anne. I didn't know your Dad's family were Maltese. I think some of ther food is similar. I do, Ardent! Hi, Mopsa. I think they're used to me by now and just think I'm mad! Some, but not all, check the blog afterwards. Hi, Rowena. Me, too! Thank you, jams.
