
Wednesday, March 04, 2009


These slices of ham cheered me up in the supermarket this morning.


  1. How do they get that into the ham? is it printed on with edible colouring, or is it somehow heated in?

  2. That reminds me of those funny face ice creams you used to be able to get!

  3. haha, those are happy! where did you find them? My son might like them even though the thought of eating it scares me a bit!

  4. Hi WL...we call it Billy Bear Sausage

  5. Now I've never seen ham like that before Welshcakes!

  6. Aargh!!! No!!! This processed pappy porky spammy stuff has been in the UK for years and epitomises crap food - I have every hope that other European countries were too proud of their guts, gastronomic cultures and aesthetic values to have any truck with this stuff. What would really make you smile is a slice of roast Berkshire pork....

  7. Ha! Great minds think alike. I bought some of that over the weekend but can't figure out why they call it Orsetto Van Loon. Is he a fictional character?

  8. In Germany you could have found such 'funny cuts' already many years ago, f.e. on Mortadella.
    I'd not be surprised if the intention was / is to lure sweet children away from jam and Nutella.
    "Oh, Mummie, look, what funny faces. May I have some of these, please?"
    Well, nowaday a 'please' might not be en vogue, anymore. :)

  9. At least it's not a smiling pig!

  10. Gosh, and here I was thinking this would get no comments!
    Ciao, Crushed. I've no idea, I'm afraid but there was no colouring listed among the ingredients. Hi, Cherie. I used to love those! Ciao, Lost. In the Conad supermarket. It tastes like normal cooked ham and there were no added colourings listed. Thanks, Anne. I didn't know they were called that. It's the first time I've seen them over here. Hi, jams. Jolly, isn't it? Sorry, Mopsa! Now, I'm about as real/slow-foodie as most people get but I think if I were a parent I might buy this if I thought it would get my child to eat ham. Hi, Rowena. What a coincidence-1 I don't know but will try to find out. Good points, Sean. I like your doubt about the "please" bit! There is that, WW! Well, I suppose it could be, James.

  11. That's a first for me. I've never seen anything like it before.

  12. Anonymous11:37 pm

    Ahh we have that its caled billy meat

  13. Hi, VM. I was very surprised to see it here.
