
Friday, March 06, 2009


Update, 9.3.09: The involtini di zucchina tasted very good and were also very filling!
This morning I found this ricotta al forno [baked ricotta]. You can use it in savoury dishes or eat it as it is just like normal ricotta. [I photographed it this way round so that you can see the crust.]

I can confirm that it is a delicious addition to simple pasta with homemade tomato sauce:

And in the supermarket I liked the look of these involtini di zucchina. I'll let you know what they taste like tomorrow!


  1. Anonymous11:36 pm

    How are doing are you putting any weight back on with all this amazing food xxx

  2. The pasta dish looks delicious :-)

  3. The Involtina look good...

    In fact just looking at that has made me hungry.

  4. That zucchini looks good, but I'm wondering what it's wrapped around.

  5. Thank you for the information about the chicken on the table last weekend - and how good those zucchini look today. Have a lovely weekend, spring in the air here with daffodils opening practically as you look and the garden a vast sea of palest lilac crocuses.

  6. I love ricotta too. I still haven't made the stuffed olives but I'll get around to it.

  7. Hi, VM. Thanks for asking. My weight seems to have stabilised at 54 kilos now. I don't want to put any back on! Thanks, Cherie. It's just spaghetti and my own tomato sauce with the cheese on it. Hi, Crushed. Sorry you got hungry. How do I get into your blog these days? Hi, Betty. It's a mixture of breadcrumbs, mozzarella and ragusano cheese, plus olive oil and seasoning. Hi, Sally. What a lovely description of your garden there. I've got the daffs my friend bought in pots on the balcony and they are multiplying out there! Hi, Michelle. Do make those olives!

  8. Ah, it is on the newer BP blogroll, but it now exists in two formats...

  9. I had mozzarello on toast with cherry vine tomatoes this evening. What would the Sicilians make of that.

  10. Hi, Crushed. Thanks. That reminded me to install the new BP roll! Hi, Ellee. I think they'd say that was a very good idea!
