
Thursday, February 19, 2009


Pâté is not much found on the Italian table although a chicken liver pâté is sometimes served on crostini or bread as an antipasto. There is also the black Umbrian pâté, the recipe for which I gave some time ago at the end of this post. [It comes to you courtesy of Linda and Chiara.]

In Sicily, however, food producers are becoming more aware of the potential tourist trade and some attractively packaged pâtés are being produced.

Today I decided to try this vegetable version which is called Paté Ibleo. Mr T in the salumeria said it contained our ragusano cheese, potatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, onion, garlic and wild fennel plus sugar, olive oil, herbs and spices but when I tasted it I knew that there had to be an extra ingredient which was giving it a definite "kick". Upon reading the label, I discovered that it must be the grappa!


  1. It sounds very tasty!

  2. It tastes very pleasant, Cherie.

  3. My very favorite relaxing moment is with a bottle of cabernet, water crackers, duck pate (don't know how to do the accent marks)and some roquefort cheese...

  4. I guess the grappa will ensure that the pate is digested correctly which will please the Italians since they are obsessed with the digestion.

  5. Maybe you could make some pate for your Italian friends to try? One of my favourites is smoked trout pate but I've never made it.

  6. Ooh that looks delicious!

  7. That's my kind of relaxing moment, pink. I'm on the next flight....
    I can tell you how to do accents if you want. You are probably right on both counts, jmb. Hi, WW: I did make a chicken liver and Grand Marnier paté for my Sicilian friend one Xmas and it went down very well. Unfortunately, I can't eat anything fishy. It is, jams.

  8. Welshcakes, I love chicken liver pate and used to make my own.

    The someone informed me that the liver is soaked with all the hormones that the growers feed the chickens, as the liver is the cleansing organ.

    After that I stopped buying chicken livers and making pate. Nor do I buy ready made pate.

    The vegetable pate looks delicious.
