
Saturday, February 07, 2009


"I am undaunted in my quest to amuse myself by constantly changing my hair."
- Hillary Clinton

Spring has come to the via Sacro Cuore and even to my balcony:

Simi has decided that printers ought to be for sitting on:

Irma arrived this morning and announced that she was going to buy me something to wear for my birthday [which is coming up]. I thought she meant a scarf or a top, maybe [both of which would have pleased me ] but later it became clear that she meant a whole outfit! She took me to a designer outlet and we both stopped when we saw a certain blue suit. It looked rather on the small side to Irma and to me, but Irma suggested trying it on anyway. I did and guess what? Perfect fit. "Fatto per Lei, signora" [= "Made for you"], cooed the assistants. "Vero" ["It's true"], agreed Irma and "Vero" agreed I, somewhat amazed. I am so grateful to her. Irma, if you are reading this, I think it's fabulous! Grazie, cara amica.

My birthday present to me is this little pile from Amazon:

I know it's a bit late to be perusing Nigella's Christmas, but in December I felt so ill that I didn't have the energy to order it. Besides, buying it now is an act of faith: "There will be a future." In Bed With... is a collection of saucy short stories by famous women authors, the novelty being that we are not told who wrote which one. I've read good and bad reviews of this tome, but I will make up my own mind. I just have to read Barack Obama in English, as I feel a lot will be lost in translation here. How Not to Write a Novel has had good reviews and I am hoping to find some tips for writing in general. Alexander McCall Smith never fails to cheer me up, especially when the story contains Cyril the dog plus Bertie and his impossible mother, so I fell upon The Unbearable Lightness of Scones as soon as I opened the parcel. Finally, Matthew Fort's Sweet Honey, Bitter Lemons is a "must read" for me as it is about his travels in Sicily.

I love the process of obtaining new books, from holding and feeling them, then that first flick-through to writing my name, where I am and the date in every one.

Later I betook me to Orazio's establishment for an image-change in the form of cut and colour. "Something daring", I requested and that is what I got! [I've never had a black streak in my hair before . He says it's for the contrast.] So here is Orazio with his team and here am I. 'Bye-bye, shrinking violet - subtlety is for wimps. I'm 59 next week and fighting!


  1. That is a "huge" change..:-)..

    How lovely of your friend Irma..great to see it is Blue..I think you need to wear less Black..sorry, with your new hair, you need new colour..:-) :-)

  2. Oh yes meant to say.."where is Raffaele" thought he did your hair!!

  3. I love that new outfit and your hair is very striking :-)

  4. Hi, Anne. Yes, it's sure different! I agree about the black. Raff does usually do my hair. I started going to Orazio when I was ill because he is literally opposite where I live. On Saturdays you can have a two-hour wait at Raff's, even with an appointment. And sometimes you just want a new "eye" on your hair.
    Thanks, Cherie. Now I need an occasion to wear the outfit!

  5. Anonymous12:39 am

    Well you look fantastic babes, as does your spikey plant!

  6. Happy Birthday a little early. It does look like spring has come to Sicily on your balcony. Your birthday dress is a wonderful shade of blue...good choice. Love the Hillary Clinton quote. The new hair color is daring and perfect for someone celebrating another birthday this week. Enjoy your new books.

  7. Now, do I see a very strong resemblance to Vivienne Westwood? Oh, and do tell us how that how to write a novel book reads - the review was great fun.

  8. Your spring flowers are lovely. I bought some primulas recently, but the poor things have been snowed under!
    Your new hair-do is quite a change. You'll look so glamourous with your new hair and new suit.

  9. I love that color of blue for the suit....dare I say it looks royal?!

    And that Simi sitting on the printer...hmm...perhaps it was warm and cozy?

  10. And here I thought cutting my hair three inches was daring.
    I like it, Welsh!

  11. I love that shade of blue, your hair also look great. Good to see that the flowers are begining to make an appearence in Italy. Wanted to add you but I have not worked out how to do it yet. In fact this blogging lark looks too complicated for me. Would approciate some tips.
    I love your blog, helps me to combat my homesickness.

  12. do like your new hairstyle. I hope you have a great birthday.

  13. Thanks, Mutley. Keep calling mer "babes"! Thanks for your good wishes, Betty. I can't wait to get settled with the books. Hi, Mopsa. I don't know as I haven't looked at a pic of VW for a while. I will go and have a look now. I'll report back on th\t book. Thanks, dragonstar. I hope so! You may indeed, Rowena. Thank you. Actually, it was a cold day when Simi did that so you may be right. Thanks, pink. All haircuts are daring, in my opinion, because we put ourselves in the hands of someone else and their image of us. Hi, Luce. Lovely to hear from you. Thanks for your kind words. Luce, if I can do this blogging, you can! I am a technical idiot. If you email me on I'll help you all I can. Thanks, jams. You are kind.

  14. I'm sure you've been told a million times before you look like Vivienne Westwood... AND are just as stylish... even that cactus up top is exceedingly funky, especially as cactuses go

  15. I think it looks fabulous Welshcakes and goes beautifully with your lovely new outfit. Live it up a little or even a lot.

    Just don't do Miss Simi to match.

  16. Simi looks really beautiful ;->...

  17. I love your new look Welshcakes and the blue suit is lovely, my favourite colour.
    You'll have to get Simi a matching coat, she'd need it the weather here, it's freezing.
    P.S. What date is your birthday? mine is on the 19th.

  18. Hi again, Gleds. Thank you. Actually, no one has told me that before. I wish I had her bank balance as well! Many thanks, jmb. Don't worry - I won't "do" Simi! I keep telling her that women spend loads trying to get a hair colour like hers! Ciao, Gleds. She is and she is very happy that you said so. Thank you, Trubes. Thank you. My birthday is the 14th. Love to all from Sicily.

  19. Wow, you look very stern in those photos. It seems that our birthday's are very close indeed, which might explain why I look stern in my photos too.

  20. Hi, Wolfie. That's because people are always telling me to smile but I think that makes me look goofy, so I tend to look stern instead! Coming to see your pics now. Happy Birthday!

  21. Wolfie, you look very gentlemanly and handsome!

  22. yes you definitely reminded me of Westwood from the first time I saw you on your blog

  23. What about Raffaele?!! Have you abandoned him? Ah, I've just read your reply to Anne. But what will Raff say?!!

    What a very generous friend.

    And a lovely collection of books. I've only read the No ! Ladies' Detective Agency books by that author; do you recommend others?

  24. Hi, Gleds. Goodness me!
    Hi, Liz. Well, to be honest, I'm scared to go to Raff's now! Thinking about what to say.... Re AMS, I'd definitely recommend the "44 Scotland Street" and "Sunday Philosophy Club" series.

  25. Cariad,

    You've lost so much weight. Lucky you. Love the new look. Go girl!


  26. Many thanks, WW and Susanna.
