
Saturday, January 31, 2009


"Drive someone crazy to start the weekend": you'd have thought that was my motto this morning as I'd asked Rosa to come and help me reorganise my books. First of all, I'd decided to move my Italian section to where my French section was and, as I have the language categories subdivided into grammar, lexis and literary criticism sections, followed by literature in chronological order, this was quite a task. "Why can't we start on the left?" asked Rosa, logically enough. "Because we'll get them out of order that way," I explained, "so we have to move those on the right first." When we began putting the books from the last pile of French literature in their new place I yelled, "Hooray - we're in the twentieth century!" whilst Rosa seemed to be watching the door for men in white coats to appear. I also thought it would be a good idea to rearrange my cookery books, as finding room for the Cucchiaio d'Argento meant buying a new bookcase [don't ask!] Anyone who has seen my library, like James, will understand. Anyway, three hours later we were done, exhausted and even Rosa was satisfied. "Oh, it does look better this way", she declared and believe me, that is praise.

Next on the agenda was a visit to Raffaele's as today he was offering his clients a buffet d'inverno. He and all his staff are talking in Obamaisms at the moment, their favourite answer to every question being, "Yes, we can!" Here we have the maestro opening the vino, maestro and team plus maestro with favourite client [!]

Later I made for the sales and look what I got me for 11 euros, ladies. Now I just need a purple top, purple shoes and a chunky piece of purple jewellery to go with it.

I also did something I'd promised myself I'd do a while back: I walked into what I call a "thin shop". Any woman who is or has been - well, voluptuous - will know the type of shop I mean: one which you avoid if you are woman-sized, for they look you up and down as if you've no right to exist and then pretend they are sorry they only stock clothes for stick insects. However, needs must when you have lost a lot of weight, and the 70% discount encouraged and emboldened me. A girl can never have too many black trouser suits, in my opinion, so out I came with a beautifully cut one plus a couple of tops. [The "little mice" in the alterations shop have made a good job of all my jackets but I am still awaiting the trousers to go with them!]

Time for a lemon tea in the pleasant bar adjoining the newagent's by now and along with it came more treats. [I don't ask for them, honestly!] You will notice the sfinci [a traditional type of doughnut] and ribbons on the magazine cover; that reminded me we are coming up to Carnevale and in the food shops I saw that the chiacchiere [literally "gossips"] biscuits are in. They get their name either because the sound they make when being fried resembles that of whispering women or because their shape reminds people of tongues.

Towards evening a friend gives me a lift to Modica Bassa where I buy dog treats and shoes and from her moving car I take this photo [no time to press "zoom"]. How could I not love a place where sights like this are a regular occurence?

I hope you've all had a good day too. Buona domenica!


  1. Oh, how I'd dream of a Raffaele and a Rosa! Even though my hair dresser has a pretty nice shop all we're offered is water or coffee...maybe their watching our figures for us?

    You are one lucky lady!

  2. Wow what a great day you had :-)

    Raffaele is one very good man, he knows how to look after his customers..Well done Raffaele :-)

  3. Your day wore me out. I would have enjoyed the food part, but not the book organizing.

  4. I love the pastry that they make for St Joseph's day, mmmmmm, can't get enough of it, my first trip to Sicily was around St Joseph's day. I had some in Rome last year but the Sicilian ones are the best.

  5. Why do I end up hungry every time I visit you?

  6. I love the colour of that bag....

  7. Now that sounds like my kind of day :-)

    I would love to be able to have all my books in one place, mine are all over the house!

  8. I have forced myself to give away a lot of my books;keeping only the ones that have a special meaning to me. That is a lot of books! Raffael is the kind of hairdresser every girl deserves;Iam lucky enough to have a Stewart.
    Your new bag would look lovely with a silver grey outfit and the chunky beads you mentioned.

  9. Maybe they are, pink. I'll tell Raff and Rosa what you said - they will be happy! Hi, Anne. He doesw, doesn't he? I'll pass on your congrats to him. Hi, Betty. It wore me out, too! I like mucking around with my books. Hi, the other Anne. Yes, it's lovely, that pastry. Sorry, SSN! Thanks, Sally. Hi, Cherie. The pic doesn't show the half of it! There are 5 other full-sized bookcases in the room and there is fiction iin every other room. Hi, MM. I used to have a hairdresser called Stewart, too. I can't give books away! They are like family members.

  10. Is everyone happy in Sicily? They always seem to have lovely natural smiles on their faces.

    You seem to have had a great day!

  11. Hi, dragonstar. I think their lifestyle, plus the sunshine, makes them more disposed to be happy!

  12. Anonymous8:14 pm

    I love your books... Mountaingirl will be so jealous, she has mounds of books and still waiting for two have alot in common...

    it sounds like an almost perfect day Welshcakes... I smiled at buying such a beautiful bag, means all the other treats are to come...I shop the same way... great Abbey

  13. Thanks, A'Jay. Lovely to hear from you.

  14. What well-ordered bookshelves you have!

    Ad what a super buffet. I've just come back from the hairdresser and all I had was a cup of tea!
