
Sunday, December 07, 2008


First off tonight I am allowing myself to indulge in some unadulterated, non-Italian [for once] nostalgia: Mrs Nesbitt has been asking what Christmas songs we all remember and for me this is the one that beats them all - for making me laugh rather than cry! It is the original Chipmunk Song from 1959 and, as you see, I still have the vinyl. No Blears* jokes now, please, gentlemen.

*Hazel Blears is a British politician, currently Communities Minister, who is often referred to as the "chipmunk" by certain male bloggers - which proves that women are still judged in ways men would not be.


  1. women are still judged in ways men would not be

    How true is that!!!

  2. Sad that it is still true, isn't it, cherrypie?

  3. ...who is often referred to as the "chipmunk" by certain male bloggers - which proves that women are still judged in ways men would not be.

    Come now, this is silly. I believe the chancellor or the exchequer is routinely referred to as "The Badger" - for the simple reason he looks like one. Blears definitely looks like a chipmunk too. Might even be the nicest thing I could say of the both of them too.

    And Yes, maybe I do look a bit like a wolf.

  4. Hi, Wolfie. I take your point but #i do think appearance is often the first thing reported about a woman, never mind her achievements.
