
Monday, December 29, 2008


Answer tomorrow.


  1. That's easy - your old cricket bats.

  2. Well, as you know, I'm so sporty, James!! They do look like cricket bats, I grant you...

  3. I thought they looked a bit like cricket bats too... But I am thinking something to do with butter making or olive basing!

  4. Anonymous12:59 am

    I think they are olive squashers... for hand extracting olive oils. I am not as silly as James...

  5. Anonymous1:51 pm

    WL -

    James beat me to it. I was going to say that I didn't realise cricket was played in Sicily.

    While we're at it, can I thank you for the many foodie posts you've put up over the past few weeks? I've enjoyed them very much.

    And please, can you please extend our especial thanks to your friend Gina for her taglietelle al forno recipe? We made it a few weeks ago and it was delicious. It definitely goes on "make it again" list. We've also taken some of the dishes from a few of your recent posts and combined them into a couple of really quite exceptional meals.

    A very happy New Year to you.

    P.S. I've been considering buying "The Silver Spoon" since it came out here in Britain, but have so far balked at the price. So I'm expecting a thorough review of its merits (or otherwise) from you before plonking down my hard-earned. :-)

  6. Looks like the kind of things you find "When you send the boys round"

  7. Herb Grinders?

    Thanks for Christmas card Welshcakes,
    will e- mail you soon...just off to the kitchen for a little aperitif and to prepare the dinner...Steak au Poivrè tonight with a lovely bottle of Chilean Red. love to Simi from us and


    Word veri...gratsi !

  8. You're closer, cherrypie! Whoever said you were silly, Mutley? I'll set Simi on them! Robert, thank you so much for your comment. You have made my evening! I'm delighted to hear that you like the food posts and have tried some of the recipes - and that they turned out well. I'll be seeing Gina on Thursday so I will tell her how much you liked that dish. She will be over the moon! Yes, I must get down to cooking my way through "IL Cucchiaio" now and I will certainly keep you all updated! I can tell you now that it is a very good read and I am learning all sorts of interesting food facts from it. Auguri and buon anno to you and yours.
    You always make me laugh, O & A!
    Hi, Trubes. Thank you again for your lovely card and all the osteop. info too. Cincin e auguri! xx

    AND NOW THE ANSWER: I am sorry to tell you they are not cricket bats. The instrument is a MAZZA, used for beating the hell out of grain or lentils so that any lurking creepy-crawlies would creepy-crawl away!

  9. surely they are cricket bats and that is a trick question and i've only read answer #1...

  10. Hi, Gleds. Sorry, but they ain't cricket bats!

  11. it's probably because i'm food obsessed...but the two largest objects would make great paddles if you were working in a 50 gallon (200 liter) stock pot--and the smaller object would make an awfully good plunger for an industrial pureeing device or a commercial meat grinder.

  12. Brilliant suggestions, FC!
