
Sunday, December 21, 2008


Hairdresser no. 2 has cleverly "grown" these sparkly leaves among the other plants in this container.

I found this at Cherie's Place:

1.What is your favourite Christmas carol/song?
Hark the Herald Angels Sing: I find it uplifting and, as everybody sings it loudly, no one notices if you are off-key.
2.White lights or multicolored?

3. Do you have a cut tree, live tree or an artificial tree?
Artificial and, as I am rather sentimental about it, I brought it with me from the UK.

4. Eggnog, mulled cider, or hot chocolate?
None of those - I'm a g&t lady.

5. Do you decorate your house with lights?
Just my tree and in a crystal bowl I have I put baubles topped with flickering lights - quite effective.

6. Do you write a Christmas letter?
This year I did and sent it electronically to most people. My handwriting is terrible now!
7. Do you like receiving Christmas letters/photos?
Yes , and I get really miffed with those who don't send them!

8. What is your favorite Christmas story/movie?
I reread A Christmas Carol and A Child's Christmas In Wales every year: the line, "There are always Uncles at Christmas " in the latter takes me right back to childhood. The movie has to be Little Women - the version with Winona Ryder as Jo and Susan Sarondon as the mother. I cry every time!

9. Have you ever made a gingerbread house?
No, I'm not sufficiently dextrous.

10. Poinsettias or holly?
Poinsettias - we get enormous ones here! I like the cream ones as well.

11. Do you display a nativity scene?
Yes, one you can light with tealights that I got from Lakeland [a UK kitchen shop]. Here nearly every household displays a crib and often the figurines are family heirlooms.

12. Do you bake Christmas cookies?
Usually, yes.

13. Ham or turkey?
Turkey but I used to hate eating it for days afterwards in Britain! I'd love to do a baked ham for friends here but the hams are cured in a different way and are not suitable.

14. In what languages can you wish someone a Merry Christmas (without cheating)?
English, French, Italian, Spanish, Welsh and Czech.

15. Do you know all the words to Jingle Bells?
Yes - Italians are always asking me to teach them the words! They persist in singing it as "jingle bell" / jingles bells", though.

16. Do you put presents under the tree?
No, I've no pazienza, so I open them all as soon as I get them!

17. How do you eat a candy cane?
I've never eaten one.

18. What is your biggest holidays pet peeve?
British women's magazines going on ad infinitum about "How to survive your family at Christmas" or "How to cater for 50, 000". It never occurs to them that there are people who would give anything to have a family to host and cater for or that Christmas is a difficult or sad time for some.

19. What is your favourite Christmas tradition?
Carols from King's on Christmas Eve. I used to listen to it on radio 4 but now I watch it late on BBC World. Here in Modica, the "city of 100 churches", my favourite tradition is listening to all the church bells ringing at midnight.

20. What was the best present you ever got for Christmas?
"Fluffy" the teddybear. I still have him!


  1. Thank you :-) I have love reading your answers. I have CD of Carols from Kings, it comes out every year.

  2. Good straight forward honest answers Welshcakes.
    I do like that planter of the nameless Hairdresser. Quite the mild climate there compared to us, especially now with 5 inches of snow out there.

  3. On a Christmas theme, proof has emerged that Jesus was a Woman!

    She fed a crowd at a moments notice,when there was virtually no food.
    She kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it.
    Even when she was dead,she had to get up because there was still work to do.

    Have a Merry Christmas!

  4. Great choices. Now I want to go and listen to John Cale's Childs Chritmas in Wales. If I don't get to visit again, have a great Christmas

  5. You've never eaten a candy cane? That's a pity!

    I hope you have a wonderful holiday season full of good friends and good times, Welshcakes!

  6. Thanks, cherry. I must get the CD this year. Thanks, jmb. His name is Orazio and I will tell him you like his idea. I'm trying to imagine your snow! I like that, O&A! Thanks, jams and a merry Christmas, one and all!

  7. Thanks, Saretta. I obviously haven't lived! I hope you have a wonderful Xmas too.
