
Tuesday, November 04, 2008


My wonderful friends here are in touch every day, run me around for shopping and various medical appointments and are conspiring to feed me up, reader!

At Gina's last Sunday there were these lovely ravioli, filled with sweetened ricotta and cooked in a pork sauce, then various meats cooked in the same sauce, followed by these crispelle di riso from which the honey was just dripping. The other day, also at Gina's, I was treated to pasta with dried porcini and frittata with salad. There were also slices of freshly cooked pumpkin [not shown] seasoned with chilli pepper.

Linda brought around some comforting pasta al forno she had cooked and on Saturday night Marco and Giovanna turned up with plates of focaccia, arancini and pasticci [pies, meat ones in this case].

Gina has also managed to get me to Raffaele the hairdresser's, for sitting around being ill is one thing; but sitting around being ill with your roots showing is quite another!


  1. If your hair isn't right it makes you feel worse than you need to! Though that delicious food ought to help a lot.

  2. You are definitely being well looked after - what wonderful friends you have. Has Simi benefitted likewise from your friends?

  3. How nice for you Welshcakes. Enjoy it and hopefully it will help you return to good health soon. Take care of yourself.

  4. How nice to have such thoughtful and caring friends.

  5. It's almost worth getting ill for that!

  6. what wonderful wonderful friends you have....something missing from my life as they all live so far away from me :-(

  7. I am with you on the "roots" issue! Looking good always makes you feel good!

    That food looks beyond delectable! It's so nice to hear of people in the world behaving in a compassionate manner - it gives me hope.

    You keep on looking good and feeling good!

  8. Wow that is a veritable feast'll soon put on your lost weight at this rate. What a lucky lady you are to have such wonderful friends...I'm so glad they are looking after you so well.
    I was just about to make a chilli con carne for dinner, but now I fancy pasta...Hmm...back to the freezer..Then, DT does like chilli so, I guess I'll do some pasta tomorrow.


  9. I'm glad you have good friends caring for you...that helps so much! At least you haven't lost your appetite! ;-)

  10. Absolutely, dragonstar, on both counts. Thanks, James. Simi and I are working on it! Hi, flutterby. Well, she has had lots of visits from all her Sicilian aunties and uncles! Thanks, jmb and cherrypie. Almost, WW! Yes, I am very lucky, Sally. I do feel for you. Totally agree, Lady M. Thanks, Trubes - decisions, decisions! Hi, Saretta. Yes, it helps a lot.

  11. Your last comment made me smile, I love you style :)

  12. Nice to see your lovely posts on wonderful Sicilian cuisine. And how very special to have it cooked b caring friends. I hope you feel better very soon.
