
Thursday, October 23, 2008


Hi, folks. Simi here!

My mummy's been in that hospital kennel across the road, you know. She says it was OK but I don't think it can be a very nice kennel as they wouldn't allow me in! Now, I ask you, what trouble would I have been?! I could have kept everyone in order for them, warmed people's beds while they were off having tests and cheered them up by sitting on their heads.

Never mind: I had quite a pleasant time at my friend Mr Enzo's doggie hotel and I got my usual beauty treatment before I came home. Don't I look pretty? I must take my mummy there so they can do the same for her.

I'm off to read what my pal George has been up to while I've been away - I hope he hasn't let the side down by being obedient or anything! - and then I must look after mummy. She sends love and hopes to be back blogging tomorrow.

Meanwhile, lots of love, kissies, wags and woofs to you all from Simi xxxx


  1. Oh my goodness, I've missed you so much and worried half to death! So happy to hear you're home and well and that Simi is taking good care of you. Can hardly wait for you to continue with your sagas of life in Sicily, which, by the way, I've been missing a lot lately because it's been 2 years since I was in Italy. *sigh* (grey skies here)

  2. Welcome home, Welshcakes.

  3. Yes, welcome back Welshcakes. Simi isn't the only one pleased to see you.

  4. You look so very glamorous Simi. Please send lot of *hugs & kisses* to mummy.

    Looking forward to life in Sicily again :-)

  5. Well Simi I'm glad you both are home again. I'm sure you would have been a great asset at the hospital, I don't know why they did not let you help out.
    Tell you Mum to take care of herself and you and I hope she is fully recovered very soon.

  6. Gosh, simi, you look gorgeous! Are you glad to be home? Do you have a big fat tummy like I did when i came home from my hotel?

    My mum says I have to remind you to look after your mummy but I know you will.

    Woof, woof. Oh and mum says I have to send her love too. xx

  7. WL you gave us all a scare, I have been looking out for you and wondering whats been up. Luckily I read Liz's blog, and found out what was wrong. Happy to hear you are home with Simi. Hope you are well on the road to recovery. Take Care..x x

  8. Welcome back!
    I do hope you are chipper and rarin' to go

  9. Hello Simi, Hope you had a good time in the Kennel place and glad your Mummy is back. My Mama has been very worried about her too and is looking forward to her blogging again. Hope all is well now, you give her lots of cudlles and licks from moi.xx
    Princess Chloe...purr purr...

    P.S The parents are off to Surrey today so that smelly Pug is coming to cat sit me with his Mum. I shall just stay up stairs in my en suite, that way he can't eat my food or disturb my rest...I need 18 hrs. a day you know!

    PPS> Mummy sends her love

  10. I do hope you are on the mend. It sounds like it. Thinking of you..

  11. Simi, you look gorgeous! You must be glad to have your mummy home again, it must have been so worrying not to be able to check that she was being properly looked after. She must have missed you, too.
    You're right, what your mummy needs now is a lot of pampering to make her feel better. Tell her to take things gently for a bit, and give her lots of cuddles.
    Love to you both from Ireland.

  12. Welcome, welcome back dear Welshcakes and Simi. We've missed you and I know we were all very concerned for your health. So hope the doctors have been able to help - keep your myriad fans posted please. I'm mailing you separately.

  13. Simi

    Take good care of your Mummy, won't you.

    WCL: Welcome back. hope you're feeling better.

  14. Say hello to mummy for me and the trim suits you.

  15. Hurray, you're back! All has to be well since Simi is looking after you. I got back from a vacation to eastern Europe a few days ago and found you were absent. What a scare! I'm with Leslie and have been so worried. Here's to continued progress and good health.

  16. So glad you're both back! Hope all is well in Sicilia :)

  17. Welcome back. Welshcakes. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery, even if I did gag at reading another post by the &^%$@ dog.


  18. Welcome back. Simi and Mopsa have the same blanket btw...who can resist a cute paw pattern?

  19. Woof woof arf arf (wag tail).

    Loosely translated from Doggese, welcome back!

  20. So glad you're back online. I do hope you are well! Virtual hugs!

  21. welcome home to both of you :-)pl

  22. Anonymous12:35 am

    nice to see u home, hope all is well

  23. Hi, Leslie. It is sweet of you to be so concerned and I appreciate it. Trying to get back to normal! Thank you, Crushed and Ellee.

    Simi says: "Thanks, auntie cherrypie." Mummy is writng her "hospital saga" but she's not ready to post it yet! Auntie jmb, I'm glad you agree with me. I could have been 'Matron Simi' ! Hi, George. Yes, the bed's definitely softer here! My tummy looks fine to me! Looking after mummy. Make sure you look after yours, too. Love, Simi xx"

    Hi, Anne. Thank you for your concern and good wishes. Catch you on messenger aga\in soon. xx Many thanks, old and angry. Taking a bit of time to get back to normal.

    Simi: "Hi, Chloe. My mummy says your cuddles are very welcome indeed. You guard your territory there! Love to your mummy from mine xx"

    Many thanks, bella baita.

    Simi: "Hello, auntie dragonstar. Yes, I did so need to check up on mummy last week but at least I can do that now. I am giving her lots of Simi cuddles. She sends love to you, too. xx"

    Thanks, Sally. Your good wishes are much appreciated by us both. Thanks, Calum , from Simi and me.

    Simi: "Thanks, zio James".

    Grazie, flutterby. That is very kind. Many thanks, Michelle and WW.

    Thanks for your good wishes, tp. Can't help it if Simi sneaks to the keyboard when I'm not looking!

    Simi is very honoured to learn that Mopsa has the same type of doggie blanket! Damon, Saretta sneaky chic, valleys mam and Sally N - your good wishes mean so much.

    I cannot thank everybody enough. xxxx

  24. awwwwwwww...

    that was quite cute, and we're glad all is more well.

  25. Ms Simi is gorgeous as always. Happy you are back Welshcakes x

  26. Thanks from both of us, FC and nunyaa.

  27. Just chanced upon your blog - saw the Sicily reference. I have been to Modica but many many years ago -have been a lot in the Madonie and Nebrodi in past 20 years - am just building a blog ("SICILY ABLAZE")- about it - a ot of work tho'. Also saw your Tom Paine ref- its the T P Society AGM in London this weeked - am going to it. All good wishes. Ian Cameron.

  28. Hi, Ian and thank you. Yes, a lot of work in building a blog. I think we are referring to 2 different "Tom Paines" but I like the historical one, too!
