
Friday, October 31, 2008


I liked this display in a local supermarket this morning.


  1. Unlike anthing I've ever seen in Tesco! I wonder why?

  2. Lovely photo Welshcakes. I hope you are feeling better and will be completely well soon.

  3. Looks they went all out! You know they take special courses on how to prepare attractive displays!

  4. Wow Welshcakes....That's a real pot pouri of goods....I spy pumkins and pizza pans.
    Do the Italians celebrate Halloween?
    Good to see you back 'a posting' again, I've checked your site anxiously every day and 'voila' my friend is back...I do hope you are feeling better, I'm sure Simi is looking after you, such a lovely little dawgie.x

    Take care, Di.x

  5. That's a very attractive display. How are you doing now?

  6. I love it! What are those pans for..?

  7. But, but... How are YOU doing?

  8. I love that sort of look more than the glittery sort. I am in America and I tell you, because you won't believe this!, that the Christmas decorations were up in the local shopping area on OCTOBER 26!!!!
    Now I love Christmas too, but... ;-)
    So good to see/hear/read you again.

  9. what a mixture of things in that display and yes i dont think tesco would ever do a display like that lol

  10. I wonder why, too, Calum! Thanks, jmb. They sure did, Saretta. Yes, they pay off, those courses, don't they? Thanks for your good wishes, Trubes. Halloween is in vogue among the young but today and tomorrow are more important as the dead are remembered. Glad you like it, dragonstar. Details about my progress on next post. Thank you for your concern. Hi, Anne. The pans are for roasting chestnuts. Ciao, flutterby and thank you so much for asking. Details on next post. Lady M, how lovely to hear from you. I believe you! Hi, James. Yes, one of the larger Conads. Hi, Szlly. Yes, quite a mixture!

  11. That is a great display :-)

  12. Glad you like it, cherrypie.
