
Friday, October 10, 2008


The first thing I noticed as I went out with Simi this morning was how comparatively quiet the streets were and then I remembered why: no students were heading for their schools as today the schools have been on strike all over Italy, in protest against certain cuts and unpopular reforms proposed by the Education Minister. There have been demonstrations everywhere. Probably the most hated of these reforms is the idea of pupils having the same teacher for all subjects in elementary school [at the present time they have subject specialist teachers in most curriculum areas]. I must say that I do admire the way Italian students can mobilise themselves, along with the fact that they care and are politically aware enough to do so.

I am still not well, but have been getting to work and my wonderfully kind friends here are helping a lot. One has run me around everywhere for the past 2 days. Yesterday, I was unable to get over to the Altro Posto from work, but the same friend went over to get me a drink and a sandwich and returned with a lovely fresh fruit salad as well - compliments of the manager. That thoughtfulness cheered me up no end.

Today I did, with some difficulty [for my walking is affected] manage to reach my favourite bar at lunchtime and they made me this especially pretty dish of fruit and ice cream to gladden my heart - and my appetite - during this difficult period.

Blognote: please bear with me regarding blog visiting at present. Hope to be back to normal soon!


  1. I hope you get better soon :-)

    I am sure know that I admire mobilisation of any sort and most especially in the young ;-)

  2. Anonymous1:50 am

    sorry you are not too well
    Hope it all sorts out soon

  3. Sorry you've been sick, I hope you will be feeling better soon. That dish of fruit and ice cream looks yummy. I laughed about your homely cannelloni, I'm sure it was delicious and probably attractive also.

  4. It is pretty tough for you at the moment. Chin up and I do hope you get better soon. The kindness of friends goes a long way to help doesn't it?

    Here there are no specialist teachers for elementary school. Not until grade 8, at age 13 do they appear. Isn't it like that in the UK too?

    Take care WElshcakes.

  5. Take care and get better. Please say hello to them in L'Altro Posto for me Just tell them that James Bond sends his greetings and that I'd like a cream coffee and flourdough sent to Britain please.

  6. Hello Welshcakes; Sorry to read you're not too good and hope you will soon be feeling better. I bet Simi is looking after you as well as your friends and colleagues.
    When I have 'flareups' of the Rhematoid Arthritis and have to rest my joints, Chloe never leaves my side.
    Thinking of you, get well soon,
    Di.xx hugs for Simi too xx

  7. It's lovely when people do things to cheer you up and help when you need it. Being unwell and living alone is no fun at all.

    I hope you get back to being fit and sparkly again soon.

  8. Anonymous4:00 pm

    Sorry you arent well... what is it that ails yer? The fruit looks great by the way...

  9. Thanks, cherrypie and Valleys mam.
    Thank you, too, Nancy. Glad you like the food pics! Hi, jmb. Yes, it does. Yes, the same in the UK re primary school teachers. Thanks, James. I will tell them! Ciao, Trubes. Can you send me your email address again, please? It's on my old computer, which is not working. Dear Chloe.. Simi is just the same - she knows exactly where it hurts! Love to all of you xx Thank you so much for your understanding and good wishes, dragonstar. I wish I knew, Mutley! x

  10. Get well soon Welshcakes. We are all rooting for you.

  11. Sorry you are not feeling too good. Let me know if you want a Devon Dumpling's red cross parcel (normally contains a lot of chocolate and tooth rotting goodies) I expect I've now opened the floodgates to the other members!

  12. I hope you are feeling better soon Welshcakes. Take care and haste ye back!

  13. Re education system: Our teachers very seldom go on strike because education is considered an essential service. But in all elementary schools, children have the same teacher for everything except perhaps if they're able to have a French teacher or a Music teacher. They don't get specialized subject teachers until high school.

    That dessert reminds me of a beautiful but pale iris!

    I do hope you're feeling better soon!

  14. Thank you, tp. That is most kind. Thank you, DD. That would be lovely. I expect you have! Thanks, jams and Leslie. Leslie, it's like that in the UK, too - specialist teachers in secondary school.

  15. Welsh, pretty late I am (sorry). It does let me hope, though, I am too late - and that while I am writing this you are again vivid as a fish in water. :)

    Hm, and in case you are not: Good health on you! :)

  16. Much appreciated, dear Sean.

  17. Sorry to hear you're in pain WL. At least your students aren't on strike
