
Monday, September 22, 2008


Lemon-flavoured pork chops:

I find this recipe effortless, aromatically entirely satisfying and comforting! In this case, I have made it for 2 people. If you make it for 4, you will, of course, need 2 more chops and a few more potatoes, but you will also have to increase the quantity of oil used to about 5 tablespoons.

Sprinkle a little plain flour over 2 pork chops and brown them in about 3 tablesp groundnut or sunflower oil. Chuck in a teaspoon or so of whole peppercorns of different colours [if you like, you can crush these into the pork chops using a potato masher but I don't usually bother], some coarse seasalt, a whole, peeled garlic clove, a bay leaf [preferably fresh], a branch of rosemary and some fresh sage leaves. Now add about 1 lb thinly sliced potatoes [you can peel them if you like but I'm too lazy], the grated zest of a lemon and the juice of 2. Turn the chops over and add a wineglass of water. When you think the chops are sealed, tip the whole lot into a small roasting dish and put into a 200 C oven for about 50 minutes.

Buon appetito!


  1. For two eople is still way too much, I'm afraid.

    I generally cook for 1/2 a person...

  2. Mmm, this looks and sounds so delicious. I wouldn't peel the potatoes either Welshcakes, I like it with the skins on unless its mashed of course:)

  3. Certainly sounds easy and looks very tasty. I think I'll go get dinner now that you have made me think about food.

  4. Delicious! You make it all sound so easy.

  5. Oh this sounds good and I'm lucky enough to have a bay leaf tree, fresh rosemary and fresh sage in my garden. Definitely on my "To Try" list.

  6. It does sound good. One I'd like to try too.

  7. Coarse sea salt? Yummy.

  8. Anonymous12:45 am

    Would lemon flavour washing up liquid subsitute for the lemons element do you think?

  9. Sounds and looks delicious

  10. That's one for me to try - grazie WL

  11. I bet that's lovely on lamb... I'm utterly averse to eating dead swine though however nice it's done!

  12. Anonymous8:06 pm

    :-O....thank youoooo! Another mouthwaterer.

    Just as well I have my veg curry ready to eat right noe else I'd be munching the screen!

  13. I hate the way your blog makes me feel. Although I've just eaten a large meal, I feel hungry again just reading your blog! :)

  14. "To each his own", Crushed. Nunyaa, we are of a mind! Ciao, jmb. Hope you had a good one. Thanks, dragonstar. Do try it, flutterby! I am flattered, DH. Missing it, then James? Definitely, Mutley! Thanks, cherrypie and WW. Nice idea, Gleds - on lamb with a little mint. Thank you, deb acle - you have cheered me up. Well, I'm both sorry and glad about that , DL!

  15. More nutrition if you don't peel!
