
Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Scenes like this never cease to gladden my heart.


  1. Think they would gladden my heart too :-)

  2. And I bet they cost a fraction of what we pay for them here in the UK.

  3. The look so inviting, I am sure I would always be tempted :-)

  4. That is one of the sites we loved as we toured Sicily :-)

  5. We have so much to learn, or is that remember, in Britain.

  6. Sorry WL that was meant to be one of the "sights" :-)

  7. Anonymous11:04 pm

    I have to confess, I am not really tempted except perhaps as colourful subjects.
    Thanks for you kind remarks. The sad thing is that I can only use the dictionaries now with a magnifying glass and with one eye shut. It is very tiresome.

  8. They gladden my heart too! Gosh so beautiful the colors and the peppers I swear I can smell them from here! Yummm! M

  9. It always amazes me that these things still exist, people who drive around their produce or set up a stand in the street. Wonderful.

  10. You caanot know the impact of those photos on your English readers sitting in August howling gales and teeming rain...

  11. Sights to cheer the jaded heart!

  12. Gladden anyones heart. Simple pleasures are the best.

  13. Sights like that not only gladden my heart but make my heart sing too!
    We have a very good greengrocer here who gets some wonderful products from the wholesale fruit and vegetable market in the Liverpool, but nothing like the stuff available on the Continent.
    We can get things like courgette flowers, wet garlic, unusual fungi, green bonnet peppers, large pink shallots and every kind of potato you can think of, oh, and wonderful Italian plum tomatoes.

    The chap that owns the greengrocers supplies local restaurants with his produce.

    As Liverpool is booming at present re- The Capital of Culture 2008 and the fabulous new Liverpool One Shopping Precinct, there are lots of wonderful restaurants for him to supply, hence the good selection.

    I must tell you Welshcakes, there is a wonderful butcher next door to the greengrocer's that sell only Black Welsh Beef and Welsh Saltmarsh we really are rather fortunate to have all this on our doorstep...
    If we only had the weather and the culture of Sicily....
    Ah well I can only close my eyes and dream!
    Hope you and Simi are well and not too hot...
    Today the sun shines so I am happy.
    Chloe is lying with a shaft of a sunbeam tickling her tum, complete with paws in the air...

    Aye it's a grand life for a cat in this household!


  14. Where is Sicily ? Refresh our gland memory!!

  15. Thanks, Sally. Well, Ellee, I paid 12 € for 5 of the most enormous ones! I'm out of touch with how that compares, now. Oh, you would be, cherrypie! I can imagine, Anne. Hi, RH. Maybe it is, as you say, "Remember". Hi again, Anne. I'm always doing that, too! Ciao, Aileni. "To each his own". I do sympathise re the problems. Hi, M. So glad you like these pics. Love from Simi and me xx

  16. I can see why - there is nothing like excellent produce to put a smile on my face :-)

  17. Ah, think I recognize that. So something is open then.

  18. Hi, jmb. Yes, amazing and they all look so happy! Hi, WW. Please send us some of that rain! Indeed it is, jams. I agree, kissa. Trubes, you seem very well supplied there. Liverpool must be buzzing at the moment. I do miss good cuts of lamb. Love to you and Chloe from Simi and me. Mu tai dong - it's an island off Bridport. We are of a mind, mg. Hi, James. Yes, this seller appears now and then along the road here so you will have seen him.

  19. Oh WOW those peppers are huge Welshcakes :)
