
Thursday, August 07, 2008


I bought this in Erice some years ago [much to the amusement of my Sicilian friends, who roared with laughter at my efforts to get it into my suitcase!] Since then, it's been to the UK and back again. I use it as a vase but what was its original purpose?

Answer tomorrow.


  1. To hold olive oil? Isn't Erice a gorgeous place? And what views over the water and countryside below. Unfortunately, that was the place where I spent two days in bed sick as a dog and didn't get to look around. But I do remember that view, especially driving down the mountain the day we left and I got a fantastic photo. I think I've posted it here before but can't remember when.

  2. It could of been Olive Oil, but that seems a bit too easy!!! :-)

  3. To hold water? not original I know :)

  4. Good guess, Leslie but not quite right5. Yes, Erice is amazing. Thanks for the story. Close, cherrypie and Anne, too! Hi, jams. It should be, shouldn't it?
    Very original, WW! Nunyaa, you are spot on!

  5. It looks as if it might have been a jar for olive oil in a previous life before it graduated into its
    present life as a vase.I have just seen your reply to Leslie so a second guess has to be the juice of some delicious squeezed fruit that grows nearby. Whatever its use was it is a rather attractive jar and a clever purchase. Well done you!

  6. Really? Water? What a really pretty bottle.

  7. Ciao,kissa. Just a water-cooler, and I have tried it and it works! I m pleased that you, too, like its decorative qualities. "Welcome home", I said to it when I unpacked it in 2005! Ciao, dragonstar. Glad you like it, too!

  8. i like amphora as well.

  9. I'd use it for decoration and it is a lovely bottle anyway Welshcakes :)

  10. Glad to hear it, FC. I am pleased that you like it, nunyaa.
