
Tuesday, August 05, 2008


James moved on ths afternoon so it’s been a bit of strange day, with both of us trying to maintain the old British, stiff upper lip at lunchtime. Of course, we failed miserably and he looked such a brave, travelling man when he left at 5 pm! I’m sure you all wish him well, as I do.

Now, I’m not a TV person, except for news and analyses in both languages and I rarely have a good word to say for BBC Prime [ a sort of UK Gold channel for ex-pats] as it usually repeats the same age-old programmes ad nauseam, even “stacking” them at weekends, so that up to 6 episodes of a series you used to like can be shown conscecutively on the same evening. Nobody seems to check the running order, either, so you can become rather confused as to what happened when. By the end of it, you hate the thing!

Despite all this, tonight I got really excited because the channel finally decided to continue Holby City [a hospital drama full of stuff designed to put you off your food but also centred on the goings-on between the staff – I wish someone would tell me how they find the time or maybe I am getting old?] Well, UK readers may be surprised to learn that I’ve waited over a year to find out who gave certain patients unnecessary insulin, thus bumping them off a bit too soon, and after tonight I still don’t know! Did that cocky new staff nurse do it? Does caring but foolish Dr Rick solve his gambling problem? Does Mr Campbell-Gore, the consultant with a dark past, last seen walking onto a US-bound flight with his lady-love the psychiatrist, come back? Does ward sister Chrissie go back to hubby Owen [for whom I have a soft spot as he looks like a Welsh rugby player, though does not talk like one]? Don’t you dare tell me, now! Anyway, tonight’s episode was a tear-jerker quite apart from these issues.

The next programme was Born and Bred, a series which I loved in the UK as I’m so sentimental about the 1950s, but I didn’t realise they’d killed off handsome Dr Gilder! So still sobbing over that one!

Oh, dear! I don’t think I’d better watch any more TV tonight!


  1. Anonymous12:31 am

    I will sort out all the Holby City rlkated queries... wait a minute!! Where did James go?

  2. I am hoping both you and James are OK xx

    You have reminded me why I don't watch TV any more ;-) :-)

  3. Well I'm glad you found something to entertain you on TV. We seem to have all the reruns of anything we actually watch. Over a hundred channels and nothing decent to watch! Even the educational channels are in reruns.

  4. I've never heard of those programs you mention but then I rarely watch TV... Yesterday I broke down and had satellite installed and was glued to the tube most of today watching the Lifetime Channel aka tear jerker channel.

    Hospitals do have a soapy character about them, if you've been there as long as I have. Hee!

  5. Oh yeah, you never did elaborate on the James situation???? Who,what,where,when...fess up.

  6. Oh WL must feel very strange not having James there after all this time. I thought he had moved in !! :-) You had some wonderful times with him, I am sure!!

    Yes I wish him well...Where has he gone to????

  7. WOW I can't imagine how far back in the Holby storyline that script goes

    You have got some real surprises in store for you with some of those main characters you mentioned plus many new ones

  8. You'll miss James but maybe he'll visit you again?

  9. Thinking of you and the stiff upper lip! It must be strange to be on your own with Simi once more - Bowser and I send BIG hugs, though we can't help out with Holby........

  10. Yes -- I do hope we hear from James soon.

  11. Oh Dear Welshcakes,
    I think you've just been looking for an excuse, which is understandable, to cry, because your friend James has left.

    Ah well Simi's chair is secure again, she's probably smiling inwardly as she's got her Mummy all to herself again!

    Where has James moved on to ?
    Kisses for Simi too, from

  12. Anonymous1:49 pm

    Chin up love... i thinking you will miss James very much, what an adventure he's had... thinking of you...x

  13. I loved Born and Bred but I'm not a holby City fan.

    On the positive side, at least Simi won't have to share her chair any more!

    Thinking of you. x

  14. Ciao, Mutley. I think J should tell you himself... Thanks, cherrypie. You are right re TV! Jmb, that's all we get on BBC Prime - repeats from 30 years ago! Hi, pink. We think alike! James is James from the "nourishing obscurity " blog. We have "known" each other for over 2 years. Anyway, for reasons detailed on his site, he needed a break from Russia, so I suggested he visit here and he did. It wasn't quite as straightforward as that and there is no romence between us -we are just excellent friends. Hi, Anne and tbrobb - see J's site for updates. Dee jay, I am not sure I can cope with the excitement! WW, I'm sure he will. Thanks, Sally. We are OK and Simi and I send love to Mr Bowser - xx woof! Ciao, Trubes. You are right. I am feeling sentimental! Lots of love to you, Chloe et al xxxx Thanks, Abbey. I do appreciate that thought x Ta, Liz. She never did give up that chair! Coming over to check on George xx

  15. Parting is such sorrow, I've never been able to live well with such changes. Sentimental as I am. Good will to you both, and good luck.

  16. Thanks, Wolfie. Glad you are sentimental, too! I'm sure J will update everyone as soon as he can. Auguri.

  17. i've spent the best part of the last few months watching old british comedies that have been sent over to my mum by a friend, i love them... maonly for the memories they bring back, I hope your tear jerker tuesday has become a totally awesome thursday!

  18. "Amicus certus un re incerte cernitur" I am sure James would agree. You are one of those who really matter.

  19. Why is it that we get so sooky as we get older?

    Hope that you are both O.K.

  20. Many thanks, Kyles. Keep enjoying the films! Thanks, MM and Ardent.
