
Saturday, August 23, 2008


My Italo-Australian boss, Cathy, returned from holiday today and came round bearing this liquore liquirizia and coffee from Calabria. Her thoughtfulness cheered me up no end.

I thought I’d take this opportunity to show you three other pleasant surprises I’ve received in recent weeks: a CD of the Vancouver Welsh Male Voice Choir from jmb, a Portuguese tile fridge magnet from my commenter Sally and the pretty souvenir of St Petersburg from James.

So you may picture me tonight, reader, sitting in my Sicilian apartment sipping Calabrian liqueur, listening to a Welsh choir from Canada and thinking of a lady over there whom I have never met but whom I regard as a good friend, another whom I don’t know personally but who has always encouraged me in my writing and of a certain English teacher who flew in from Russia and who tonight finds himself back on UK soil for the first time in many years. And of the blogging miracle that has made all these connections possible.



  1. Such a kind and thoughtful boss, and wow what lovely gifts from jmb, sally and James...lovely surpises...yes and all made possible through the world of Blogging :-)

  2. Lovely gifts. And so good to know that James is safe and with somewhere to stay.

    And yes, blogging is wonderful.

  3. You noe mention my tofu parcel why?

  4. Mmm this post made my cry a little (in a nice way) xx

  5. Hi, Anne and Dragonstar. Blogging is amazing, isn't it?
    Mu tai dong /Mutley: because it is beyond comparison and there are some things a girl just has to keep to herself!
    Oh, cherrypie, I've been tearful myself lately so at least we keep each other company!

  6. I think we make good company xx

  7. Chin Chin! Ahh the blogging world is great! I have expanded my little world and have learned so much!

  8. What a pleasant surprise to read this post Welshcakes. We do seem to make very strong connections with our blogging friends, don't we? It makes the world seem such a small place and definitely shows us all the things we have in common, no matter where we live.

  9. Hi, Welshcakes: speaking of being encouraged in writing, may I suggest that if you're serious about finally producing your book (which I for one would like to see), you should choose an obvious title? E.g. How to cook the Sicilian way / The joy of Sicilian cooking.

  10. I hope you didn't need some strong coffee this morning.

  11. And I'll think of you too. Cheers.

  12. I think so, too, cherrypie. I agree, indigo-daisy. Glad you liked the post and yes, blogging bonda cn be very strong, jmb. Thank you, Sackerson. I shall ponder on that. No more than any other morning, MM! Cincin di nuovo, James.

  13. It is nice to know people do care and glad you have been cheered up a little Welshcakes :)

  14. It's because you are just the sweetest! What wonderful gifts! ALL THE BEST ALWAYS,

  15. And Simi in her chair again. Alone. :)

  16. Thank you dear Welshcakes - glad it found a home, and yes, you and your blog and all the others who read it are indeed by now an essential part of my life, one of the best aspects of the global village.

  17. You are very kind, M. x liz, she never really gave it up! She's sure George will approve! xx
    Thank you again, dear Sally. You always give me much-needed encouragemnent and Simi loves being coureted by handsome Mr Bowser! xx and woof! Cincin, WW!

  18. Wonderful gifts Welshcakes. Proof positive af the firm friendships that the internet can facilitate. I can look at the walls of this room and see the portrait of the not-wife my friend Suzy did for me some years ago and the art my Iranian friend Elahe has given me.

    I would never hanve known of their existence but for the internet

  19. Hi, jams. I agree- internet friendships are wonderful.
