
Sunday, August 03, 2008


With the temperature nearing 40 C, we were once again glad to sit in the shade of our favourite olive tree at the Caffè Consorzio yesterday lunchtime:

The plate of complimentary antipasti was again stunning to behold, consisting of panelle [chickpea fritters], slices of fritatta [a firm kind of omelette, much beloved of the Sicilians and probably introduced to them by the Spaniards], various breads and, of course, marinated olives. This time, James had the pork medallions [which I am showing you again because the presentation is different to that in a previous photo] accompanied by his favourite fagiolini [green beans - this man would run a marathon in the heat for green beans!] whilst I partook of this wonderful chicken salad. And the way the mango slices were wrapped around the ice cream to create a flower effect just made my day!


  1. It looks so delicious as usual :-) I love the way you have captured the sun in the photos! Please say Hi to James for me xx

  2. You are so lucky to have all these wonderful foods and friends at your fingertips! You really capture a colorful meal. Yes, I'm still dieting, ah...

  3. Oh dear 40 degrees again. Well I suppose it is August. I hope you have not forsaken L'Altro Posto or is it closed?

  4. Leafy sunlight and flowered icecream - what more could anyone want?

  5. Life is very tough in Sicily! I cannot imagine why you would want to live there.

  6. Goodness Welshcakes, mango and icecream, bring on summer here! Love fresh mangos.
    40c is hot, how is Ms Simi holding up in this heat? x

  7. I would have been happy with the first and third courses!

  8. Hello, I've been enjoying reading your blog. Would you let me put a link to your blog on my very new blog?
    Best wishes, Saretta

  9. I hope James is cooking some English food for your Italian friends.

  10. 40C!
    It's nowhere near that here but quite balmy...
    ... all that talk of salad's put my in a balsamic vinegar state of mind...!

  11. Thanks, cherrypie. will do. I am lucky and I realise that, pink. Take care. Ciao, jmb. No, I have not forsaken the AP but it is closed for 2 weeks. What more indeed, dragonstar? Really tough, MM! Ciao, nunyaa. Simi is doing well, thanks. She loves sitting under the air conditioner in the afternoons! I was, too, Liz! Saretta, thanks for your kind words. I would be delighted to be linked on your nice blog and will add you to my roll. WW, we all await J's Yorkshire pudding! Ciao, Gleds. That sounds a good state of mind to be in!

  12. Anonymous1:47 pm

    Gosh I should remember to eat before I drop by your all looks gorgeous..
