
Sunday, July 20, 2008


I am not a morning person at all but was delighted when the phone rang at 9.30 am today and my friend Giovanna invited James and me to spend the day with her and her family at their seaside house.

Newer readers may like to know that Giovanna, her husband Marco and the two boys they then had [aged about ten and eight at the time] were the first Modicani I ever met: I have stayed with them all many times and they let me live rent-free in a little house of theirs in Modica Bassa whilst I was sorting myself out after moving here permanently in 2005. So I owe them a great deal. Now there are four boys and the elder two have grown into fine young men.

After the phone call it was all rush, as I hadn't yet showered, got my war paint on [let alone my clothes] or taken Simi out. I accomplished the lot within 45 minutes, informed poor James, just as he returned from his "morning constitutional" [which he relies upon to recharge his batteries - shush!] about the intended outing and by 10.30 we were on our way to the Marina di Modica.

Today the Mediterranean was at its deepest blue, with the waves turning purple as they neared the jagged rocks of the stunningly beautiful shore.

At 1pm precisely, like all good Italians, back we went to Giovanna and Marco's for lunch: there was pasta with prawns and zucchini, polpettine di melanzane [aubergine fritters] with cheese-topped tomatoes followed by cotolette di pollo [chicken cutlets] then Giovanna's fresh fruit salad for dessert, served with lemon ice cream and peach granita.

James then had a snooze on the balcony whilst I reminisced with the family until about 4pm, when we were served dishes of the freshest gelsi [mulberries] with cream.

Un bel giorno al mare!


  1. Anonymous11:16 pm

    What a nice day and a great meal... I shall be arriving on the 23rd.. I hope you do not mind but my son and his sixteen year old girlfriend are coming as well...

  2. How lovely off your friends, and it looks like a fantastic day..

    When I look at your photos, I just want to be back in Sicily!!

    They do such lovely lunches..So pleased you had a great day talking over all times. :-)

  3. A perfect summer day. Lovely.

  4. I am not a morning person either!

    That sea looks amazingly blue, your friends sound wonderful and the food looks delicious.

    PS: What is it with men and their afternoon snoozes?

  5. What a lunch! I must move to Italy! Your pictures are wonderful!!

  6. That to me is a perfect day! Really what more could be asked for great friends, (loved ones), good food, beautiful scenery and the Sea!

    Molto Bene!


  7. Hi, Mutley. I trust you are bringing Mutley dog as well? Hi, Anne. Yes, it was a lovely day. Come back to Sicily soon! Thanks, dragonstar. I'm in good company, then, cherrypie. Yes, sea amazing today. I just don't know re men and snoozes - I give up! Welcome back Diana and many thanks. Ciao, M. Nothing more! Auguri from Simi and me xx

  8. It was really cool on that balcony - the breeze induced sleep.

  9. Mmm the cheese topped tomatoes look mouth watering. I'd love some of them mulberries. Hugs for Ms Simi x

  10. Wow! What a lovely way to spend the day. Delicious food, wonderful friends and perfect are truly blessed Welshcakes.


  11. How lovely to discover your blog. Now I can catch up first hand on life in Sicily. Love all the food photos and language tips. I can use them.

  12. The perfect summer day - so glad you had a lovely time. Thought of you last week dear Welshcakes as I trudged the streets of Naples and points south in temperatures of 40 degrees, surrounded on all sides by ranks of gleaming bottles guessed it - LIMONCELLO!

  13. I don't know which is better...the beach outing or lunch. Oh, just forget it. I'll take both!

  14. Oh yum.

    When Mutley came here he brought Giles and the Beast. I wouldn't have minded but I'd planned a quiet afternoon knitting. (why is it that the mere mention of Mutley makes me write rubbish?!)

  15. Oh, it is, Sackerson. So I saw, James. Mulberries coming over, nunyaa. Hugs to you from simi and me xx Many thanks, Trubes. xx Bella Baita, welcome to my blog and thank you. Your own blog is lovely, too and I will add you to my roll. Auguri from Sicily. Hi, Sally. Gosh, it must have been hot in Napoli! How fid you find the rubbish situation there? Lots of hugs to you and Mr Bowser from Simi and me xx Hi, Rowena. I'd vote for the lunch, myself! Liz, you scared me there re Mutley, Giles & co!

  16. What a lovely outing for you both Welshcakes. So much cooler by the seaside and look at all that wonderful food.

  17. Ciao, jmb. It did us both good.

  18. How wonderful to have such beautiful friends! Sounds like a beautiful family and a wonderful way to spend your day.
