
Monday, July 07, 2008


According to this Demopolis poll, the majority [77%] of Sicilians are proud of their heritage but, whilst recognising the economic problems of the region, are dissatisfied with the standard of living and with services on the island, above all public transport.
When asked the "eternal question" - "Would you leave?" - most [61%] said they would wish to remain here, whilst 22% said that they would consider living in another part of Italy. Only 17% of those interviewed stated that they would consider living abroad. [What a contrast to Brits!]
It appears that there is a specific Sicilian identity, as the majority of those polled [54%] would declare themselves "Sicilian" before European or even Italian. Interestingly, this figure increases in inverse proportion to educational levels. More women than men would also declare themselves as primarily "Sicilian".
When asked what they believe to be the defining characteristics of Sicilians, 71% put hospitality at number one. In second place comes disdain for rules, regulations and institutions.
Well done, the Sicilians!


  1. I think most sensible Brits would love to exit the country!

  2. I don't think the Italian government invests so much time and money trying to make Sicilians feel humiliated for who they are. The moment an Englishman shows any national pride he is branded a racist, a social infection that the Italians have been spared.

  3. I always say I'm Sicilian...maybe that's where I get my disdain for rules, regulations and institutions, haha. You wouldn't believe how many of my relations are dreaming to go to Sicily. My trip is still on hold. I have a new found cousin I'm going to try to convince into going with me....

  4. The updates on Sicilian life you provide, is enough to make me want to experience it as well, even with the current water problems :-)

  5. As the daughter of a very proud Sicilian I would have to agree with your post 100%. My Dad was always first Sicilian and second Italian. He moved here and fell in love with my Mom and suffered greatly being so far away from home. My love for Sicily comes from him.

    As an American I am Sicilian and I am Italian and would love to move away from here one day!

    All the best,

  6. Hospitality the number one defining Sicilian characteristic. You have to love that Welshcakes. Even to visitors too.

  7. Here Here Cherrypie.....I am one of those Brits...!!!!

    Trying to persuade the take a sabbatical..I have no hope as long as he stays on the F1 circus!!

  8. Some of us are learning about that identity, Welshcakes and though it takes getting used to, it is a good way to live.

  9. The greatest dissatisfaction must be from the transport of water. As for being Sicilian, over Italian, Italy's still a young country. Think how long people were "Romans" for!

  10. Have a look at my blog, WL.

  11. Sadly you may be right, cherrypie. Wolfie, I agree wholeheartedly. Ciao, pink. Maybe it is where you get your disdain, etc., from and I would say that is a healthy attitude. Hope you get your trip sorted soon! Thank you, nunyaa. You would find it fascinating! Dear M, I can well imagine how hard it was for your Dad. You just MUST come over! Jmb, I do agree that the Sicilians are among the most hospitable people I have ever met. Maybe that's why I feel at home with them, because it's a Welsh characteristic too. Hi, Anne. Keep on at hubby! Ciao, James. Yes, it takes time but it's worth it. WW, how right you are! On my way over, eurodog.
