
Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Here is some focaccia bread that I made this afternoon. The last time I posted this recipe [a couple of years ago] I didn't have a picture to show you, so that's my excuse for reposting it here. This recipe will work with British bread flour and easy-blend yeast.

Tomato and Onion Focaccia
8oz strong white flour [you can use plain flour but the texture will be crisper]
1 sachet easy-blend yeast
pinch sugar
warm water [start with c. 5 fl. oz but you may have to add more]
1 egg yolk
5 tablesp extra-virgin olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
4 plum tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped
handful fresh basil leaves, torn
rosemary sprigs
coarse seasalt and freshly ground black pepper

Put the flour, yeast, egg yolk, sugar, 2 tablesp of the oil and as much warm water as you need to form a dough into a food processor bowl and process till the dough comes together. Oil the bottom of a glass or plastic bowl and put the ball of dough in, covering the bowl with a clean, damp tea towel. Leave to rise in a warm place for about an hour. Meanwhile, fry the onion in another 2 tablesp of the oil until it is transparent but not brown. Let it cool. When the dough is ready, preheat the oven to 180 C / gas 4 and oil a baking tray. Roll out the dough fairly thinly; you want it about the width and length of the tray. Lift it onto the tray - the only way to do this is quickly! - in such a way that half of it is on the tray and half is protruding onto your work surface. Spread the onion onto the dough on the tray, then spread the tomatoes on top. Season. Scatter the basil leaves over. Fold the rest of the dough over the filling. Dampen the edges and press to seal well. Brush the top with the last tablesp of oil and prick all over with a fork. Sprinkle with coarse seasalt and rosemary sprigs. Bake for c. 35 minutes. Cut into squares and serve hot or cold. [It is best made not too far in advance.]


  1. It looks delicious! It isn't going to be good for my diet is it ;-)

  2. why am i hungry again Welshcakes??? I've just had! I'll be pointing mountaingirl in this direction, she cooks the most fabulous lunch every wednesday and I'm sure this would go down a treat too! thanks for sharing xo

  3. Interesting variation of focaccia in that it is stuffed, or is that more common there than I believed. I always put little half cherry tomatoes on top when I use tomatoes in focaccia . What is strong flour for heaven's sake Welshcakes?

  4. I'm going to try that this weekend - grazie mille!

  5. A woman of many talents, looks lovely :-)

  6. The tomato running through it was delish.

  7. This is what I love about your style. While everyone else, it seems, is complaining about the heat, blasting the airconditioning, or reluctant to turn on the oven, you go right ahead and make focaccia without a care in the world. And you live in Sicily!

  8. We visited our daughter in Dublin at the weekend and went to a very nice restaurant in Howth for lunch on Saturday. I had focaccia with the most delicious smoked salomn,poached egg,asparagus and hollandais sauce. It was so good. I will try this recipe at the weekend.

  9. Now this I must try! It all sounds so delicious, and I have foodaholic daughters coming next week.

  10. Thanks, cherrypie. Ciao, kyles. I'd love to have lunch with you and mg one day ! Meanwhile, buon appetito xx Hi, jmb. They are nearly all filled here. Strong flour is a special flour for making bread that you find in the Uk. I'd advise the equivalent of Ital 00 grade flour. Prego, WW, and hope it goes well. Many thanks, nunyaa. Glad you liked it, James. Thanks, Rowena. I just had a yearn for home-made focaccia yesterday!

  11. Using rosemary as well makes it sound really tasty. You do eat well Welshcakes.
