
Monday, July 14, 2008


You don’t know how much you have needed a facial, ladies, until you have had one!

At the weekend I was explaining to James some of the complications of being a woman , particularly in summer [not that I really think that he, being a man of the world, needs instruction from me!] It’s just that women spend the summer worrying about the constant depilation problem, whether parts of us look bronzed enough to be shown in any circumstances [and some put themselves at tremendous risk over this] and of course, a girl dare not step outside without checking the shade of varnish on her toenails. I was also trying to get him to see [well, not “see” literally – I mean “understand” ] that all this takes logistics: I mean, it is best, is it not, if varnishing your toenails first thing in the morning, to have donned certain items of underwear first?

I had decided on Friday that I could no longer wait for the following:
a waxing job on my jawline
a pedicure
a full facial
an eyebrow shaping

There are many beauty salons here - in fact I can think of six within walking distance – but in Modica as in the UK, many will not wax part of your face and do a facial treatment on the same day. I appreciate the reasons why but I do not want to walk home in the hot sun after a facial waxing treatment and it is an extra bother to go back a day later for the facial itself.

It so happens that Raffaele the hairdresser has a new manicurist who will come to the house to carry out more complex procedures, so I’d made an appointment for today. In two and a half hours and for forty euros I had all the above treatments carried out, efficiently, calmly and painlessly. [She did ask, as every beautician I have ever visited has, “Why do you need the jawline done? There is nothing there!” I replied, as ever, “I know there’s some hair there and you can see it in certain lighting.”] Simi, I hasten to add, was a very good doggie-girl whilst observing all this!

Oh, there is nothing like having your feet “done”, reader, and the sensation is topped only by the way your make-up just glides on after a facial! So I am sitting here thinking that if all this can make me feel so much better, and I can only afford such an indulgence occasionally, how wonderful you must feel if you can have such treatments every day! No wonder the rich and famous [usually] look so good, even allowing for airbrushing! No, I am not fool enough to imagine that even those who claim they have had “no knife” look that brilliant on cosmetics alone and it is one of the tragedies of our era that women, because of the images pushed at them all the time, will subject themselves to invasive and non-essential surgery because of this eternal quest for youthful looks. [This is to the older woman, perhaps, what thinness is to her younger counterpart.]

But I have digressed: I will say again that I now feel better and, dear gentlemen readers, I am sorry if I have bored you but at least you now know that a woman always needs to get her knickers on before varnishing her toenails!


  1. I loved the post Welshcakes. I found your old post 'Depilation Debate', to be very interesting. I once worked with an Italian lady who wore strappy dresses in summer without shaving her underarms. I thought that she must have been a women's libber, did not realize it is acceptable in Italian culture.
    Hairy underarms are an extreme NO NO and are considered to be very offensive in Turkish culture.
    Personally I do not think it is very flattering.

  2. What a wonderful experience and extremely reasonable if you ask me. Here that would be around the equivalent of 80 or 90 euros plus tip.

  3. You're so lucky that you had a home visit for all that! I haven't had a pedicure in TOO long, but am going to make an appointment soon. I don't need facial waxing - yet - but I just shave the pits and legs. I loved your other post about depilation - made me laugh! :D

  4. Sounds divine to have.
    Lol Welshcakes, no one will know if you have no undies on. Was having a similar conversation as to reasons for cosmetic enhancement. Many women don't see themselves as beautiful when they don't match those that men see in the likes of the Miss Universe contest.

  5. To True WL..

    Are you sure you need waxing on the jawline?

    I have never had a pedicure but was thinking about it the other give it a go..

  6. Best I stay out of this one methinks.

  7. That sounds like a bargain! How long does the facial depilation last for?

  8. We have no worry about bronzing here apart from rust lines this year. Beauty is such a necessary chore but as you say the feel good factor is worth all the effort. I am sure you will continually look lovely.

  9. All that pampering in your own home? And for only €40? Bliss!!!

    I don't need to worry about my knickers - my toenails are much too far away these days for my personal attention!

  10. Anonymous6:56 pm

    What a coincidence! I did pretty much the samething the other week but I used a set of babyliss clippers! I shall be happy to 'do you' when I visit in August!

  11. I'm with james on this one!

  12. This is certainly a post us men should keep out of!

  13. Thanks, ardent. I agree - it is not flattering. But it is interesting to learn how it is viewed in different cultures. Hi, jmb. She declined my offer of a tip! Many thanks, Leslie. Agree totally, nunyaa. Absolutely sure, Anne! Do try the pedicure! James, Jams and Andrew - !!! Hi , Liz: different times on different people; for me, about 6 months. Many thanks, kissa. Hi, dragonstar. It was a good price, wasn't it? Careful, Mutley - I might take you up on it!

  14. Now welchcakes; those would be French knickers. Oui!!

  15. I hope you chose a jazzy varnish - I spotted a girl with peacock blue toenails the other day

  16. Its not just the different way these things are viewed in different cultures is the different needs of different populations. On my arrival in rural Greece to teach English I was perplexed by the number of salons in each village until I got to meet some of the local country girls!

    Be thankful for your Northern European genes.

  17. don't think i could sit still long enough to have all that done in one sitting....

  18. A girl just needs that special pamper from time to time ;-)

  19. What women have to do for the sake of looking good! :)


  20. Oh, definitely, MM! Funnily enough, WW, I can't find any blue vatnish here! Wolfie, there is much wisdom in your words. Hi, Sally. It did take rather a lot of sitting! Quite right, cherrypie.
    Yes, we have to suffer for beauty, as our grandmothers [or at least mine] would have said, dear M!
