
Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Fresh fruit topped with melon ice cream at the Altro Posto today.


  1. You certainly know how to get my taste buds watering!!

  2. I take it it's hot there then?

    We've had rain all week.

  3. Oh, that looks scrummy. But who were you enjoying it with?

  4. Such wonderful food in the place, no wonder you patronize it regularly.

  5. The ice cream will get me every time, but I don't care for any type of melons. Are strawberries in season now? Pardon my ignorance, but maybe they're always in season.?

  6. Oh you lucky people having such wonderful weather there! I keep a weather update for Messina and Catania in my yahoo frontpage, and the clime in Sicily is always the first thing I look forward to in the morning!

    Let's see, I'm reading 26/27° partial cloudy -- I'd say fine weather for such a refreshing dessert!

  7. Yum, melon ice cream, I must try it. I just made some fresh strawberry ice cream. What other delicious ice cream flavors are popular in Sicily?

  8. Delicious fruit with lush icecream and warm weathe, what more could you want!!!

  9. Oh Welshcakes your posts are always so mouth watering. DOn't be surprised if one day you find an overweight greying, balding man outside your door giving his best puppy dog look in the hope of some of your great grub!

  10. I think it is a public holiday every day in Sicily.

  11. Thanks, cherrypie. Hi, Crushed. Beautiful weather at the moment but the real heat is to come! Now, that would be telling, James! It is very good, jmb. Hi, Leslie. Yes, strawberries in at the moment. Everything has its special time in Sicily. Ciao, Rowena. Yes. lovely here at present. It was, dragonstar. Hi, flutterby. So many, but torrone, black cherry and pistacchio are among the most popular. Anne, you are right. Thanks, jams. You'd be most welcome. Sometimes it seems that way, Ellee. Indeed he is, WW.
