
Monday, June 16, 2008


... is not normally a problem for the Italian male.


  1. Priceless, for everything else there's Mastercard!

  2. I so could write a joke about guys, medals and stuff that this picture reminded me of, but I wont do that to you Welshcakes , mainly because it is a naughty joke :-)

  3. That made my day - thank you Welshcakes

  4. Erm, hmmm, ahem... I think I'll let this one go. Uhhh... well.

  5. Anonymous2:23 pm

    Perhaps it is a toilet raining aide ~ it may say '2' on the reverse. ;-)

  6. Hello Welshcakes. I hope nobody saw you taking that picture...Chuckle Chuckle.
    As you will gather i'm back from holiday in France!

    Hope you and Simi are well, Chloe has not left my side since we returned home, she usually ignores us for a couple of days, ust be something to do with Rocco, the Pug pup being here, looking after the house and animals with his mum, our daughter Astrid, whilst we were away. Chloe loathes Rocco with a 'hissing spitting' fashion.
    Shame really because he's so cute and very funny with it!

    Di. xx

  7. P.S. Without being too intrusive, have you still got your visitor with you ? You seemed to be having great fun together when I last read your site.

  8. A picture tells a thousand words, how funny.

    If my posts are fewer right now, it's because I'm really tired and busy and need a blogging break. I will be checking out your posts on my Google reader. I know they will be great and I want to keep up with your news.

    Say hi to James.

  9. Now I am wondering if the No 1 is significant...

  10. I, on the other hand, am a shrinking violet. :)

  11. Ah maybe Cherrypie has a point !!! :-)

  12. Ciao, Ledlie. Exactly so, jmb. Now I'm imagining the joke all the time, nunyaa! Glad to have cheered you, Sally. Hi, flutterby. Umm - OK, then! Brilliant, HH. I never thought of that! Ciao, Trubes. I hope they didn't, too! Welcome back. Lovely tale of Chloe and Rocco. Simi and I send love to both of them and, of course, to you. Yes, J is still here. He is going to enjoy the sun for a bit longer. Ciao, Ellee. Whenever you post, you are interesting so have a well-deserved break. J says "Hi" too. Me too, cherrypie!
    James - never mind, dearest. Anne, she does indeed!

  13. I expect James has bought a few of those

  14. love it absolutely love it!

  15. WW, I will find out! Glad you like it, Lucia.

  16. Welshcakes, if I had seen these jock's selling, I would of bought a pair for my husband and kept them hidden until Valentines' day.

    I think the No 1 award would have given him a big ego boost.

  17. Hi, ardent. An idea for next year, maybe!
