
Thursday, June 12, 2008


Many students have been panicking today at the thought that the English oral exam is finally upon them, ie., it will happen on Monday. I tell them that anyone who claims they are not nervous about a speaking exam is lying, that a little tension is a good thing but that, above all, they need an early night on Sunday in order to face the ordeal with a clear head. I also remind them that the "ordeal" will last, at most, for 15 minutes, so it is not going to kill them.

Then we gave out the timetables and they all just fell about laughing! The times, you see, read something like, "Student X - 14. 29 - 14.38" and they think this British precision hilarious. "And what time is your exam?" I asked my last student this afternoon. "Oh, about 16.40", said he, casually. "No", I replied. "It says 16.29 and that means 16.29 and not 11 minutes later". Then inform them, as we all did, that they need to be at the School at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time and you literally have your students rolling in the aisles!

I take my hat off to our administrator, Paola, who has patiently coordinated all this. Not the least of her difficulties has been that the examiner is due to start at 13.00 on Monday. Now, given the Italians' propensity to sit down to lunch at exactly that moment [just about the only point in the day which they agree is sacred] it has been a real labour of love and persuasion on her part to get anyone to agree to come then, albeit to sit an exam which could eventually lead to promotion at work and to other benefits!


  1. Well I have to say Welshcakes that I am laughing at 14.29-14.38. It is rather crazy. Is it every ten minutes or 15? I'm sure it will all run overtime and be off in the first hour so that student could well arrive 11 minutes late and not miss out. Not that he should mind you. Don't you wonder if the 1300 will show up on time?
    It should be a very interesting day. Do they fail if they do not appear at the right time? I look forward to the report on this.

  2. I just love the way you have set the times for your exams. This must be a challenge for your students - it certainly would be for me...

  3. I'd be nervous too doing an oral exam. :-)

  4. Naturally, seeing this at first hand, I can vouch for it.

  5. I, too, am keen on hearing all about this. Today, I wrote about exam time here and how my tutoring students will be all gone by Monday.

  6. What a confusing system..not 14.30 but 14.29 ...I did have to read it twice just to make sure :-)

  7. The strict scheduling reminds me of the timing for parents evening at schools - though the teachers always ran late.

    Let's hope your pupils do well.

  8. Sounds quite hilarious, but I would hate to have to administer it ;-)

  9. Hi, jmb. The trouble is that one section of the exam at certain levels lasts 4 minutes, not 5, and that throws everything into chaos. Dreading any of them not showing up on time but have convinced myself to have faith. Hi, Chervil. Yes, even I find it confusing. Everyone is, nunyaa - it's normal, as I keep telling the students. Thank you , your Lordship. Hi, Leslie. Will report after Monday. Hi, Anne. As I say, I am rather confused myself! I hope that too, Ellee. I would hate to be the school administrator at the moment, cherrypie.
