
Monday, May 26, 2008


Yes, I have James of nourishing obscurity here! He is safe and well in sunny Sicily and I have discovered that he mixes a fine g & t! At the moment he is sitting beside me sipping a whisky and munching on focaccia bread.

And now Simi wants a word:

Hi, folks! I have got a new uncle, lo zio James. He seems very nice but he's not having my chair! xx

Happiness Finding Welshcakes

Yes, very true - Simi and I are "negotiating" the same chair but I'm sure we'll come to an arrangement to suit us both. Currently munching on focaccia bread and have one too many whiskies on board but I can tell you, in all sincerity, one thing:

Sicily and Welshcakes are wonderful, in no particular order.

James xx


  1. uh just WHO is this gentleman that you are entertaining in your home? What are all the neighbours going to think - AND that lady who asked you a while ago why you aren't married, not to mention Signor Fantastico/Bellisimo. ;D

  2. Greetings to you both. I am glad to hear news of James.

  3. I am very glad that everything went smoothly and I do hope you both enjoy the visit.

  4. I had no idea, I'm so very, very pleased. Will we get to see a real pic of him?

  5. Wow!! Well, you kept quiet about that, Pat!! I shall expect to hear all ...

  6. Glad James turned up safe and sound :-)

    You do know we will all be jealous now because he gets to taste all those wonderful meals you cook ;-)

    Love to all 3 of you xx

  7. Anonymous12:58 pm

    Enjoy and be true to whatever!

  8. Stick to your guns Ms Simi and don't give up your chair lol.

  9. Simi looks just like trotting Baby Itchy after a long night trotting on that wheel...

  10. Yes WL You kept that quiet!!! How did you do that :-)

  11. Anonymous9:44 pm

    Have fun!

  12. Glad you got there safely James. Have a great time.

  13. Keep your secrets, my dearest Welshcakes:

    The Donkey that carried Jesus into Jerusalem said, something to the following,
    'Scarge, scourge, deride me, I keep my secret still, for I am carrying my Saviour, my lips are sealed'.
    Can't quite substantiate that, because I've never really encountered a Donkey with sealed lips... Hee Haw, Hee Haw,

    Love to you and Simi and your friend James from Di, Ian and Chloe.

    Should you wish too e-mail me Leslie has my address. xx

    P.S. I've posted a bit of pre- holiday silliness on my site for you, have a chuckle at !

  14. WOW indeed, Sally! Hi, Leslie - especially when he puts his smalls out on the balcony line!
    Thanks, Tom. Good wishes to you, too.
    Ciao, jmb. Visit?!!
    Thanks, Ellee. Hope springs eternal.
    Hi, Liz. Hated keeping quiet but didn't want to jinx it!
    Thanks, cherrypie. Love from the 3 of us to you xx
    Will do, Book Owl.
    Ms Simi agrees, nunyaa!
    Cin cin to you, too, WW.
    Ciao, Gleds. I'll tell her!
    Not sure, Anne!
    Thanks, Ordo.
    Ginro, this is James. Thanks and I shall!
    Just so, Beaman. We aim to please.
    Ta, Trubes. Appreciate your thoughtfulness and will be right over. xx

  15. rhtheekAstonishing but not entirely unexpected. I'm sure you are both having a wonderful time together and the atmosphere is fizzling along. James could use a healthy distraction from his blogging and I think you are the woman for that job.

    All the best

  16. What a wonderful surprise for us all - have a splendid time together - what fun, you showing him and he seeing it all for the first time.

  17. Well, you will need to make an honest woman of her James. Pref before the local gossip ruins her reputation.

    Glad to hear phase 1 worked out fine. Fingers crossed for the rest.

  18. Hope you both have a wonderful visit!
    How are Simi's negotiating skills holding out? Ha Ha!

  19. Such great news- I hope all is well and that James is enjoying Sicily!

  20. Well, of all the places he could have gone, I doubt he could have picked a finer one. I have in mind a more specific location than just Sicily, you understand.

  21. Lol Welshcakes we shall save Ms Simi's seat for her :-)

  22. Enjoy yourselves!

  23. I sure am, Wolfie! Many thanks, Sally. Wheels within wheels, Bag.
    Simi winning, thanks, pink! Many thanks, Gracchi. He will relax soon!
    A mini-Imagined Community, Ian?
    Simi sends love to you, nunyaa.
    Many thanks, Ardent.

  24. Haha I am glad to see that Simi is well and truly dug in! I hope James is having a great time

  25. Thanks for your kind thoughts, jams.

  26. Oh yes, I agree - why should visitors depose the queen from her chosen throne? Have a great time!

  27. Agreed, dragonstar, and thank you.

  28. Hi WL

    Man it looks like I've really missed something here. All the best to both of you; hope you're having or have had a fantastic time!

  29. Nice to see you, TD. Thanks for your good wishes.
