
Friday, May 23, 2008


I felt such a fool at work today, sitting there with an ice pack [topped up periodically by the kind manager of the Altro Posto] on my foot, but it was the only way to cope.

Much fun with a business student as we were tackling a unit entitled “How to Compromise” and working out how to compose a letter to a valued client who has not paid for services recently provided. “If you do not pay me next week we kill you”, suggested the student cheerfully. “Well”, said I, “that may be the direct Sicilian approach but what we need here is a bit of British indirectness”. Finally we got there, producing a round-the-gasworks epistle full of “woulds”, “shoulds”, “coulds” and phrases like “Please be so kind as to…” The student was amazed to learn that such a mild letter can seem quite threatening to the recipient!

We have rubbish piling up in the streets again: what a welcome for the tourists who are starting to arrive!

Ladies, as I replied to a commenter yesterday I haven’t espied Mr Gorgeous or Mr Elegantissimo at the Altro Posto recently but one of the regulars today was a sight to gladden your heart. Let me describe his attire: snappy black suit, pink and white large-checked shirt, pink and maroon silk tie [with gold tie-clip] and the most elegant white pointy shoes you ever saw on a man. When he dashed in with an unlit cigar in his mouth everyone looked more than twice!


  1. Anonymous12:00 am

    I have been also writing about my daily life!

  2. - And it's much more exciting than mine, Mutley!

  3. Get the money up front!

  4. White pointy shoes? Summer has arrived then.
    I hope you foot gets better soon. This is not fun.

  5. I do hope your ankle recovers soon!

  6. JJ, there speaks a businessman! Thanks, jmb. I rather want to get into white pointy shoes myself so I hope the problem clears soon, too! Thanks, cherrypie.

  7. Humm, white pointy shoes and checked shirt, I'm having a hard time envisioning that ensemble. I think I need pictures, Welsh!

  8. How nice to find your blog. We are from New York (originally Virginia and Texas) and have bought a house on the Via Raccomandata. Will enjoy reading about the life we dream of...

  9. I can only imagine the suit, shirt and tie. Nice to see some men still take pride in how they dress. Fingers crossed and hoping your ankle improves :-)

  10. Pink, I will try and get some! How nice to meet you, William and welcome to my blog. I hope your dream comes true! Nunyaa, you'd have loved to have seen him! Thanks for your good wishes x

  11. That outfit sounds a bit 70's-ish. But maybe you had to be there.

    Sounds like your students are getting a course not only in basic English grammar, but also in English grammatical finesse.

  12. I'm not very good at writing those letters.

  13. Hi, Leslie. no, he looked right up-to-the-minute. You are right -you need to see such sights for real! I'm sure you are, Ellee!
