
Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Mobile phones are to be banned from voting booths in the upcoming General Election but the reason is not, as you might imagine, to stop people calling their acquaintances from the booths for advice on how to vote; rather, it is feared that voters might use their phones to take a picture of the ballot paper so that they could later prove they had voted in the "right" way and then claim a reward in the form of money, a favour or even a job offer!

Voters will have to leave their camera-phones in a special "basket" outside the booths and the mind boggles as to how they are each going to retrieve their own phone. How the situation is going to be monitored has not yet been revealed but those who ignore this new ruling could face up to three months' imprisonment and / or a fine of up to €1,000.


  1. I think in that situation I would have to leave my phone at home!!!

  2. :)
    My ex called me in 2001 to ask how to vote, from outside the polling station.

    Of course, the papers are numbered, so they can find out what you voted, if they want to...

  3. Good idea Cherie, amazing what people will get up to with their mobiles.

  4. Me, too, Cherrypie. Even though I don't have a camera-phone, how are they going to check? Hi, Crushed. You know, I always wondered about that, in the UK. Agree, nunyaa.

  5. It was to track who voted Communist, though it was passed off as fraud prevention.

    Though Kim Philby always made sure he voted Tory :)

  6. It generally seems a good idea but I hope they get a good system set up for safe phone storage.

  7. Oh can you imagine the chaos? They will all probably be ringing like mad as well.
    You have to be on the ball to keep up with the technology. I guess you can assume each Italian will have one to put in the basket but some probably have more than one.

  8. Afraid I don't agree...sounds wacky to me...I think who you ask for advice in voting is your own it a partner or friend...but the reasoning here is quite odd..who would pay this reward or favour...I would be looking at that and prosecuting those who offer one...

  9. Two provinces in Canada are banning the use of cell phones while driving. But I missed which provinces. I'll have to find out if it's in BC before I do it. Although I usually don't, yet just today I did phone my daughter while at a stop sign. Oops!

  10. Hi again, Crushed. I certainly never thought of that! Hi, Beaman. I hope so, too. Ciao, jmb. Yes, chaos is what there will be. True, most people seem to carry 2 or 3 mobiles.
    Hi, Abbey. Who would pay? - A certain criminal organisation or certain corrupt politicians themselves.

  11. The thought of the people manning the polling booths listening to endless Italians discussing how they're going to vote as well as what's on the menu for dinner that evening etc etc is hilarious! The Italians have the highest mobile usage in Europe

  12. We are not allowed to used mobiles whilst driving (unless with a hands free kit) in the UK either. I do see a lot of drivers still doing it though...

  13. Hi, leslie and cherrypie. It's illegal to use a mobile phone whilst driving here too, and to be fair, I have seen less people doing it than in the UK! Ciao, WW -I agee, you just can't imagine it! And I'm not surprised they have the highest mobile phone usage in Europe, from what I observe!

  14. how bizarre, i remember my mother beig distraught when the first election after my fathers death came along, she claims to have never made a decision before as to who to vote for without consulting my father, even though they had been divorced since the early 80's! i'm afraid as a woman i think we have fought long and hard to have the right to vote and i wouldn't be allowing anyone else to make my choice for me.

    i see your point to abbey though, and guess it illustrates that there are some sad elements out there... what an odd situation though?

  15. That's very interesting. I can't see it being policed very effectively though.

  16. Kyles, I agree wih you entirely. Yes, a very strange situation here! Hi, Ellee. I keep trying to imagine how it could be policed and I don't see how it could be done properly either.

  17. That is so funny Welshcakes.

    How can a single solitary vote be rewarded with a job or a favour?

    Lucky I did not take my mobile phone into the polling booth last election because I did not vote for this prime minister. I could have made evidence to incriminate myself. :)

  18. Hi, Ardent. Incredible but true!

  19. Votes are paid 50 euro each. The job offer mostly belongs to the past; it's out of fashion now (people got smarter).
    In my home town (btw I was born in Modica but never lived there) before elections there have been trucks delivering grocery in the community housing neighborhood.
    Candidates talking to voters have been approached with "Last time Mr XYZ bought us a new refrigerator, will you buy a new TV if we vote for you?"

  20. Thanks, Luc. That is very interesting.
