
Monday, April 07, 2008


Much to my surprise, the water lorry arrived at 07.30. I wasn't dressed so didn't go out onto the balcony to ask the driver what had prompted his arrival; besides, it is best to just let miracles take their course. Later the capocondominio rang me; she had returned late last night and gone to talk to the driver she knows before she went to work. It seems we did not have a refill on Friday, despite the fact that I had found a document in my post cupboard stating that we had.

I want to know why the Water Office have disconnected their phone. It is not open to the public at times when I can go there to order refills and and I can't be the only one. And what about people who are physically unable to get there or who cannot manage the steep stairs? What are they supposed to do? This seems like discrimination against the disabled to me. Let's have some answers, Comune di Modica!


  1. Hooray, it arrived!

  2. I hope they realise how famous they are becoming after all your posts about your difficulties. Why not send them a link or two and see what they have to say?

  3. I have a working title for the Welshcakes sitcom...

    Welshcakes and the Water!

  4. At least you have water now :-)

  5. Hooray indeed, Liz! Hi, Ellee. I might just do that.... Ciao, Crushed. Brilliant! Hi, cherrypie. The question is, for how long??

  6. Yes, you have water and hopefully no leak!

  7. Thank goodness it was not a hole in the cistern. Time for a festa.

  8. Hopefully, Leslie but I wouldn't bet on it! Good idea, jmb - a water festa!
