
Friday, April 04, 2008


10 days later and 140 € the poorer, I have lighting in my hallway again and the leaky tap in the bathroom has been fixed. [I have just been playing with the lights, turning them on and off for the sheer hell of it.] The plumber-electrician man turned up, out of the blue, this morning and had everything working in a jiffy.

I'd been really worried about the leaky tap, imagining that my neighbours would hear it and blame me every time we run out of water and it was my lovely hairdresser Raffaele who set my mind at rest on Wednesday, soothingly persuading me as the lacquer went on [with an Italian artistic flourish] that: "Cara Patrizia, your leaky tap cannot possibly empty an entire cistern." [I never was very practically-minded.]

The Water Office phone has been permanently engaged all week so I started to panic about that, too. Then last night the capocondominio rang me to say she had gone over there in person to order a refill as she had checked the cistern and we were about to run out. I just do not understand how the supply can dry up after 4 - 5 days [whereas it used to last 10] in an apartment block where no one has a large family.

But let's stop talking water and think about men! Mr Elegantissimo turned up at the Altro Posto at lunchtime and this time my attention was focussed higher than his socks! [No, naughty, not there!] I spent at least half an hour silently admiring his beautiful and very expensive tiepin, reader.

Finally, this week's prize for Italian logic goes to the student who, having been told that he cannot, in an oral exam, answer in Italian questions which are posed in English, cried, "But I born in Italy, teacher!!" As I keep saying, I do love Italians!


  1. So glad you have lights and water. Don't know how I'd live without either one, especially the hot water to take away the aches in the morning.

    So...did you admire the tiepin to the signor "orally?" ie. did you SAY, "Questo bello tiepin!" to him? Ya gotta get 'im talkin' to ya girl!!! lol Or does he wear a wedding band?

  2. We very rarely see tiepins here any more. Glad to hear your students are making you smile with their idiosyncracies.

  3. Ciao, Leslie. Didn't get close enough to check on the wedding ring!
    Hi, Ellee. Oh, I love an elegant tiepin! All my students are lovely.

  4. hey Welshcakes, i don't think i'd cope without power or water for long either! I'm with Leslie, get a bit closer next time and see if you can spy a ring...smiles...xo

  5. I might just do that, Kyles!

  6. "my attention was focussed higher than his socks! [No, naughty, not there!]"....alright I'll admit, I was wondering where you meant :-)

  7. Perhaps everyone had leaky taps and that's why you are running out so soon. Just kidding.
    Don't get carried away with the lights. I'm sure electricity costs a bundle there.

  8. But let's stop talking water and think about men!

    Really? I thought we were the detested enemy who could do no right. :)

  9. Tie pins eh? Sure sign of a gentleman!

  10. leaky tap... thats nothing to my leaking kitcken ceiling..... every time we use the shower water comes through my ceiling :-( trying to get the housing people to sort it is a nightmare :-(

    some days it just makes me want to cry :-(

    and dont think I have not tried to fix it myself as i have .

  11. I am so glad that your water and lighting are fixed at long last!

  12. That's my sort of logic!

    Now come on, welshcakes, a subtle bit of photo-taking can't be beyond yrou expertise. We want to see Mr Elegantissimo!

    Glad you well-lit and wet again!

  13. Hi Welshcakes, snow is forecast here for tomorrow. I hope you are nice and warm in Sicily.

  14. You'd be surprised how much water you use though.

    I should have tried that logic for GCSE German..

  15. We think alike, nunyaa! Never thought of that, jmb. My electricity bills have been about half what I would have paid in the Uk - it's the gas bills that are sky high! James, I think you are trying to wind me up! I have never, ever said that and you know it. My thoughts exactly, mrsnesbitt. Sally, I do sympathise as I can well imagine what you are going through. Take care. Thanks, cherrypie. Hi, Liz. Hmm - Dunno if I can be that subtle! Ciao, Ellee. Snow again there? Here about 19 C daytime but still gets cold at night. Hi, Crushed. I would have been before I moved here but I've been forced to use the bidone [emergency container] water so many times that I now know it takes 3 litres to wash up, 4 litres to flush the loo, etc. One can only admire the logic, I think!

  16. So pleased your water and lights have been sorted...very odd about the water supply, wonder how the usage has increased so much.

  17. How very classy - a tiepin! And a quality one at that :-) I'm with Kylie, it's worth a follow-up!

  18. Hi, Anne. We just ran out again!! Ciao, mg. He's a bit young for me, alas....

  19. The snow never came to Cambridgeshire, just a few flakes that didn't settle.

  20. Hi, Ellee. I trust you are not feeling too cold there, then?

  21. I think SM is talking confrontationally because he is wearing a uniform.

    I love the way you take the time to reply so thoughtfully to everyone's comments Welshcakes.

  22. Maybe, Ellee! I do that, as I imagine you do, because I think that if people are kind enough to comment on my blog, they deserve a personal reply.
