
Tuesday, March 25, 2008


There are some Italian dishes that are such a joy to prepare, the process requiring so much care, pazienza and love, that I forget about everything else and am completely happy when engaged in the task.

Thus it was yesterday when I made these polpettine - another recipe from the Cucina del Sole book, which I love because it has instructions like, "Add an egg or 2", "Roll the mixture into balls and then, when they feel right, add seasoning " and , most importantly, "Use your hands" [something which my mother always told me a good cook does]. In other words, the book allows the cook her instinct.

I am the first to admit that my food pictures aren't perfect and, just like my meatballs, they are not of uniform shape and size: I do crop out some of the kitchen paraphernalia and sometimes use the "auto enhance" but I don't otherwise "doctor" them - I wouldn't know how! - and I don't steal them from recipe books, either. I tell it like it is in my kitchen!

The meatballs contain: lean minced beef, chopped capers, basil, garlic, pane grattuggiato [very fine breadcrumbs] plus olive oil and egg to bind . After being browned, they are cooked in a home-made tomato sauce [here my summer's labour is rewarded as I always have some in the freezer] to which red wine and sugar is added, along with a little chilli [I used my chilli spray, which I find excellent]. Chopped almonds form the garnish.


  1. They look jolly good. Is the orange blossom out yet?

  2. I forget about everything else and am completely happy when engaged in the task ...

    There are some processes in which I do that too, Welshcakes.

  3. Now there you go making me feel hungry again and it's ages until my dinner! They look so tasty :-)

  4. luvum meaballs! Do you put them atop any sort of pasta or have them alone with vegies?

  5. Meatballs will be on the menu some evening this week at our house. You always inspire me welchcakes.

  6. Hi, WW. Not yet, but almost! Hi, James. Had an eye test lately?!
    Sorry, cherrypie, but glad you like the look of them. Ciao, Leslie. Well, I think grilled veggies or salad go best with these but you could have them with pasta. How kind of you to say so, MM.

  7. I suppose the ineptness of your local post office precludes the likelihood of you sending food parcels to the UK...

  8. I loved crushed comment; it made me giggle. I can imagine you taking a little food carrier with a label "crushed by ingsoc" to the post office everyday. Waiting in that queue while the food is getting cold.

  9. Meatballs, I haven't made those in years and just so happens I have everything in your recipe for tonights dinner!

  10. The photos of the 'real thing' do make me wish I had been there to try these delightful meatballs. I am very partial to this simple food and a tasty sauce to accompany them is made from lingonberry as done in Finland.

  11. I cooked meatballs at the weekend too, but with minced pork as my husband won't eat beef. Great minds, hey Welshcakes? I bet yours tasted great.

  12. nver made meatballs but have arecipe somewhere that anne gave me many years agoht

  13. I rather think it does, Crushed! Mind you, some parcels from Britain have failed to arrive here, so who can say whose fault it all is?
    Hi, MM. So did I! I think the food would get very cold with the wait in the PO here!
    Ciao, pink. Hope it works well - not my recipe, though.
    Hi, kissa. That sounds a fine sauce.
    Ciao, Ellee, Great minds, indeed! I'm sure yours were lovely, too.
    Hi, Sally. I'm sure it will be a fine recipe if Anne gave it to you!

  14. Meatballs aren't supposed to be prefectly formed! Yours look and sound delicious.

  15. Many thanks for that reassurance, Liz.

  16. i think they look perfect! delicious once again... i will also have to stop coming here late at night, makes me very hungry...laughs!
