
Thursday, March 06, 2008


After an anxious night during which my Simi was not herself [a stomach upset but my great fear is always that it will turn out to be a mass] we have had an excellent start to today: She seemed on fine form this morning but I decided we should amble along to the vet in any case. The kindly vet could find nothing seriously wrong and while we were there he checked her lovely eyes. I am so relieved to be able to write that the medication is working and the cataracts are arrested! [I had thought her eyes were brighter but had hardly dared to hope.] I was not even charged for the consultation, the vet being content with a handshake and a smile [I cannot remember ever having a free veterinary consultation in Britain] so we walked back with a spring in all our paws.

We were just in time to meet the postwoman who was carrying not one but two packages addressed to us: one contained this beautiful teatowel [that's a word which fascinates one of my students] with native motif from jmb in Canada [again, don't you make some amazing friendships through blogging?] and the other was a parcel of goodies I had asked a friend in Britain to send: a tube of harissa, some egg wraps from Lakeland, some postcards of Wales to put up at work and my friend added this delightful print of the Dylan Thomas boathouse [Laugharne] which I shall of course have framed. My copy of Private Eye [a British satirical magazine] arrived too!

As we strolled back this morning there were artichokes being sold by the roadside everywhere, for it is coming up to Easter and that is artichoke-barbecuing time here. How could I continue to feel low in a land where I can buy 30 carciofi for €2,50?


  1. Never heard of egg wraps before - perhaps I should put some on the duck eggs and pop them back in the duck house and wait til I hear the excited cries?

  2. THIRTY CARCIOFI for €2,50??!!

    Forgive me Welshcakes but I just had to shout that out as good deals on fresh 'chokes are things to be coveted. I would be embarrassed to admit how much I paid for a pack of 4...but at least they were already trimmed and ready to go into cooking pot.

    Glad to hear that Simi is okay, and don't you just love it when minor transactions are "settled up" with a mere friendly gesture?

  3. Pleased that Simi is ok now...I am going to try one more time to send my pressie...I'm sure I am writing the right address down, but my packages never came back to return address on the back either.

  4. I have not heard of egg wraps either, but how nice to start the day with presents reminding you of your friends :-)

  5. I'm glad to hear that Simi is okay. That reminds me. I've got to take Robyn and Ted to the vets soon to have their teeth cleared of tartae. THat will be fun... for the vet!

  6. Simi looks under the weather in this pic, she is lucky to be so well loved. But I'm also glad to hear she is feeling better.

  7. so nice when you recieve gifts through the post :-)

  8. I had to check your previous post about egg wraps as I didn't know what they were. What a great idea and I'm going to see if there is such a thing here.

    So glad Simi's okay! I remember how worried I used to get when my beloved boxer Star started to age.

  9. Great news that Simi is much better, stomachwise and eyewise. Maybe I should take that medication to avoid the upcoming surgery.

    I'm glad the teatowel finally arrived, even though it went via who knows where. It was more than a month on it's journey.

  10. Glad to hear Simi is getting better, so sorry to hear she wasn't feeling herself in the first place.

    Love receiving packages in the mail. It's like Christmas morning! Are the egg wraps for easter eggs??

  11. So glad to hear the good news on Simi's cataracts and what a v cosy person she looks reclining under the blanket. It's such a worry when they're not quite right ads such an overwhelming relief when all is well.Tell her Mr Bowser sends respect and a touch of lust; spring must be getting to him, he leapt on his best friend - a spayed springer - with enormous enthusiasm yesterday!

  12. Oh im just so pleased about Simi...I was woried about her relieved you must be...oh and send the vet here, like you I cant remember any every being free in Australia...

  13. wow! it saved it. hope you didn't get that x4 because that's how many attempts it took to get round the bx-blahblah error message...

    argh and no visual verification to confirm this comment which means save and go back (what's wrong with blogger today?...??)

  14. So glad Simi is feeling better, even more good news, that her eyes are responding to the wonderful Vet`s treatment.
    She does look as if she is enjoying a bit of pampering, though!

    Message from Princess Chloe::
    Purrr. Simi, sorry to hear you got sick. Do you get Fur balls in your tum? I do.
    I think nothing of coughing them up in he middle of the night and have the parents running around the bedroom like a pair of demented
    fools. Papa gets quite cross but Mama defends me and informs him that it`s natural for Cat`s to yak up fur balls. "Not on my bloody bed it isn`t", he wails. Typical male, no idea how to look after children!
    He soon settles down and I curl up next to Mama, for another good snooze. I lick his face in the morning and he dutifully follows me downstairs to prepare my breakfast. (I like Mama to have a lie in if she`s had a disturbed night!). He`not a bad chap really. Don`t know why he find us girls so demanding.
    I do reward him by giving him a run around the house with paper planes and a fluffy toy mouse.

    Ciao Meow prrrrp

  15. ps poor swine about her eyes! isn't she quite young? I'm glad the meds are working..!... ;->...

  16. pps what beautiful golden fur!

  17. Sorry I'm late replying here, everyone - blame work and the fact that I fall asleep after it!
    Mopsa, you could always try it! Rowena, after I got your mail I went along the street to make sure I'd read it right, and I had! But if yours are ready-trimmed, I would say they are worth every centesimo! Yes, love transactions like that! Hi, Ellee. I don't think we are out of the wood yet but I am hoping more cuddeles and warmth will do it. Hi, Anne. You are so very kind and I just cannot understand what could have happened. Whatever I say abbout the Ital postal service, I really think that this problem must be at the Britiash end. Simi appreciates your good wishes. Ciao, cherrypie. Have you got a "Lakeland" branch there? I love these wraps and have been using them for years! Yes, a package reminding you of friends is a wondrous thing. I think you have to live abroad to appreciate how much it means! Hi, jmams. Thank you from S and me. Here I have found a spray product that will do just that! [Ypou have to have pets that will tolerate having their inner mouth sprayed by you, of course, but Simi does.] Hi, Sally. It is, indeed. Ciao, Leslie and how is the little one? I will come over and find out. I'm sure you can get egg wraps there, somewhere. I'd send you some if I were in the UK! [My Sicilians are fascinated by them.] Ciao, M. they are for ordinary, hard-boiled eggs. They just decorate them but you can still eat them! They are pretty. Hi, Sally. Simi very much appreciates Mr Bowser's good wishes and she is jealous, which is a good sign! She says, "Just wait till we meet, Mr Bowser!" Abbey, I am so relieved and I knwo you understand because you have a dog, too. I'm not sure we are quite OK re the stomach upset so am watching my baby anxiously. Gleds, Simi appreciates that and says , coyly, "Thank you, Sir Gleds". She is especially flattered that you had to try so hard to get the comment on! Yes, she's only 9! She is glad you like her wonderfully coloured fur! [I'm always trying to get hairdressers to "match" my hair colour to it exactly!] Trubes, thank you and Simi says: "Hi, Chloe. You have cheered me up tonight. I hate getting sick because I have to look after my mummy! I don't get fur balls but I seem to lick plants which do me no good when we are out. I'm glad you have got your babbo trained - and your mamma [see how I've learnt Italian?] too. They should know where their place is in the bed by now, shouldn't they? And that is, out of the way for US!! We'll have a bark-miaow soon. Lots of luv, Simi xxx"

  18. Yes Welshcakes, there is a branch quite close to me and I do order on line from them sometimes. I always spend too much money when I visit one of their shops, last year when I visited their main shop in the lakes I ended up buying a new bread machine amongst other things!

  19. Hi, cherrypie. I always used to spend too much in there, too!

  20. Good news about Simi. I'm sure she is better behaved than George and doesn't eat just anything!

  21. Anonymous6:58 pm

    Just a quick visit...I just can't take in all the posts on this fabulous and well-written blog, WL. Thanks for all your good wishes and I am thrilled about Simi's eyes - so cute wrapped up in her bed!

  22. Hi, Shirl. Simi and I very much appreciate the visit and Simi is delighted and touched that you are concerned about her eyes. She sends you and Pete - and Lola, of course - our best love xxx
