
Friday, March 28, 2008


Last night's photo is of a perfectly formed lemon frutto di Martorana made from almond paste. It was given to me in its pretty little bucket as an Easter pensiero by a friend and nothing could have delighted me more.

[I was going to put this on as an update to the previous post but then decided it would take me half the night to rejiggle the spacing if I added another photo to it!]

Thanks to all who tried to guess!


  1. That is SO pretty! I figured it was a lemon in a bucket, but there had to be a "trick" to it. Lucky you. btw, pop over and see what I've done for Saturday Photo Hunt. I think you'll be pleased. ;D

  2. What a lovely gift....especially made for you too :-)

  3. How clever is that, I have never heard of it before or seen it, I learn something new, ty :-)

  4. I would never have guessed that, I thought it was more likely to be a candle!

  5. I actually thought it was real!

    That is clever!

  6. Hey did you know b4 I met you I didn't even know Limoncello was a drinkypooze I just thought it was a surname that went phunkily with "Welshcakes"...

    now WELSHCAKES:~ Can I ask your advice about my place? I'm getting a new room in the same house. Lots of clutter. Do you agree I should just leave what I don't want even if it's half my clothes etc. and just move "lite" into the new room?... Please RSVP ASAP I'm desperate for advice! Many thanxx

  7. Hello Welshcakes, So sorry I`ve not been in touch, have issued anouther 'health bulletin'on my site , and I hope it amuses you.
    The weather is dire here, total rain and coldness, ti`s times like this that I long for sunshine.
    Much love, Di.xx

    P.s. loved Sim`s Easter Bonnet,
    Miss Chloe sends lots of 'purrs purrs to you both. xxx

  8. Hi, Leslie. On my way! Ciao, Sally. Lovely gift, yes. Made by the wonderful pastry chefs here, but they must have had me in mind! Ciao, nunyaa. I'm planning to write more about this tomorrow. Hi, cherrypie. Well, it did look like a candle! The pastry chefs of Sicily will love you for that, Crushed. Ciao,Gleds. I agree but I am a hypocrite for I am the world's worst for clutter! You won't get charged by your landlord if you leave stuff in your old room, will you? Over to yours in a mo.

  9. Nice to hear from you, Trubes and over to yours in a minute. Much love to you and to Chloe from Simi and me. xx

  10. What a wonderful gift! I bet it was delicious

  11. I love lemons too, and this looks too good to eat that's for sure.

  12. Hi, jams and Ellee: haven't eaten it yet - it is too pretty!

  13. I assumed that it had to be sweet.
