
Thursday, February 07, 2008


It's the middle of the afternoon and I need a gin and tonic for the shock, reader - efficient service in the Post Office! On Monday, I came home to find, in my little letterbox, a card informing me that the postman had been unable to deliver a parcel from the USA. These cards used to state that you had to make your way down to the branch in via San Giuliano - not far away but awkward if you are busy - but this one said that I could ring to inform them whether I wanted to do this, rearrange a delivery time, or, after 3 days, have the parcel brought up to the main Post Office in this street and collect it from there. I phoned yesterday to request the latter option and the lady who answered knew exactly who I was without my tellling her [I don't suppose they get many deliveries from the US!] and assured me that the parcel would be at this post office by 11 am today. Just after 12, I was passing and there didn't seem to be many people waiting so I decided to try my luck: the holder of postal counter ticket 56 was being served and I had number 58. "This is looking too good to be true", thought I. These days I am "pushier" , reader and as soon as I know mine is the next number I rush up to the counter before it shows on the display, in order to get in before one of those queue-jumping seekers of information or forms that drive me barmy and cause me to lose my pazienza. Lo and behold, not only had the parcel been transferred as promised, but the clerk located it immediately and, as I had remembered to take a documento, it was literally rubber- stamped [nothing can be issued anywhere here without noisy rubber-stamping - I think it cheers up the employees' day] and handed over in no time.

And what was in the parcel? This beautiful Fenton vase, a combined Christmas and birthday present from a friend I have made indirectly through this blog. Isn't blogging a wonderful thing?

The other day Crushed was asking how the water supply is during the summer. This should give those of you who have not previously read the whole saga an idea!


  1. The vase is beautiful...oh where is my second little package I sent you...I am so disappointed again...

  2. Quite amazing reading that post.

    I guess one hust doesn't think that in the EU- and not just the EU, but the West of the Iron Curtain EU, people have to go to such lengths to hoard water in the summer.

    An eye opener, truly.

    But are your water bills cheaper? We get ripped off here, methinks.

  3. Oh my gosh! That is BEAUTIFUL! I tried to find the word "vase" in Italian but couldn't figure out which word to use. I wanted to describe it in Italian and needed to know the gender. But it is absolutely gorgeous! How lucky your are...and Happy Birthday, whenever it was/is. I have two milk glass lamps given me by my dearly departed parents and will use them in my guest room when I get it done up. Where will you display your new Fenton? Oh! and lucky you today at the PO!!!

  4. Dear Anne, please do not worry. I'm sure it will come this time. And I do so appreciate your thoughtfulness. xx Hi, Crushed. I never thoguth about it before, either. That time was the worst, because it was all compounded by a problem with the cistern, but I will never take running water for granted again. Now, don't tell anyone, but I haven't yet had a water bill [other than one for a connection charge and that came 2 years later]!! - I'm dreading it because it will be a hefty bill when it does arrive. I'll let you all know! Ciao, Leslie. Vaso [masc.] It is beautiful and yes, I am so lucky! B/day not yet but thank you for your good wishes. The milk glass lamps sound lovely, too. Why not photograph them for your blog? I have displayed the vase on a small, round table in my lounge. Couldn't get over the PO today!

  5. Well I am applauding all the way from this end of the peninsula. Indeed, given my own exasperations with the post office, I'll toast to that! Cin-cin!

  6. What a beautiful treat from an admirer, well done you, and well deserved.

  7. Blogging certainly is a wonderful thing! Lovely vase. :)

  8. Friend in the U.S. Vase. Now, let me see.

  9. Such a beautiful vase and arrived after a long journey intact. I was once sent a delightful candle holder from Germany by a friend who lives there, it arrived but sadly in a million little pieces.
    I am sure your new acquisition looks delightful on your little table. HAPPY BIRTHDAY whenever it is/was!

  10. Well the age of miracles is not yet past! I have enjoyed your post-office posts (mainly because it isn't me) and am delighted that your experience this time goes a little way in balancing the whole trauma :-)

  11. Hi, Rowena. Cin-cin! Thanks, Ellee and Casdok. Ciao, James. A mystery, eh?! Many thanks for your good wishes, kissa. Yes, when I realised the parcel contained something fragile, I was so relieved to find it intact!

  12. Anonymous12:00 am

    A beautiful sign of a ditto friendship, I hope...well done Italian Postie.

  13. Ciao, Shirl. Yes, the posties on both sides of the pond did well here, didn't they? Love to you, Pete and the adorable Lola from Simi and me xx

  14. Hi, mg. Thank you and it is, indeed, a miracle to have been served with efficiency this week! Over to your blog shortly.
