
Saturday, February 09, 2008

Patrizio Buanne - Luna Mezzo Mare

I need cheering up so here is the lovely Patrizio again.


  1. Lovely indeed!
    Hope you cheer up soon!

  2. Thanks, Casdok. I appreciate it.

  3. Too gorgeous. That beautiful smile plus a cheerful song.

    Is the weather still grim?

  4. Wow, that DID cheer me up! I've heard this song many times but never understood the lyrics. So... I am going to try to find them. :D

  5. Anonymous6:48 pm

    Welshcakes -

    As you need cheering up, perhaps this from the imcomparable Louis Prima and Sam Buterra will help. He's doing one of his famous mash-ups of several songs. I think you'll recognise the one in the middle...

  6. Hi, jmb. Glad you like it, too. Sunny this morning but a rainy afternoon. Not as cold as Friday, though. Hi, Leslie. The dialect lyrics are quite naughty - about who the girl will marry and what each of the suitors have "got"! Thanks, Ludlingtonian. That did indeed cheer me up. Love Prima's version of "Luna Mezzo Mare".
